Plant City Observer

City to consider sale of alcohol at McCall Park

The Plant City Commission will consider changing its ordinance regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages during special events held at McCall Park and the Train Depot.

The commission is scheduled to discuss the change at its next meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9, at the Nettie Berry Draughon Municipal Building, 302 W. Reynolds St.

The consideration comes at the request of 10 Plant City civic groups that regularly host community events. The ability to sell beer and wine would make their events more successful and, in turn, boost the local economy.

In addition to McCall Park and the Train Depot, some groups also are lobbying for the ability to sell alcohol at the future Village Green area of Midtown.

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“We feel that the alcohol issue should be addressed — especially for the Village Green area — as the planning and development process is upon us,” Marion Smith, president of the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce, wrote in a letter to city commissioners and Mayor Mary Thomas Mathis.

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Other groups that submitted letters in support include the Plant City Downtown Merchants Association, the Plant City Photo Archives & History Center, the Plant City Noon Rotary Club, the Plant City Garden Club, the Plant City Daybreak Rotary Club, the Plant City Lions Club, the Arts Council of Plant City, the United Food Bank of Plant City and Plant City Entertainment.

“If McCall Park, the Train Depot and the soon-to-come Midtown could have events that serve beer and wine, it would add life into the events,” wrote Darcy Stottlemyer, president of the merchants association.

Under the proposed change, religious, charitable or non-profit organizations would be allowed to sell only beer and wine — and only in conjunction with a special event permit received from the city. Furthermore, the organizations must hold the appropriate state beverage license; must indemnify the city; and must comply with all applicable laws and ordinances. Organizations must have a $1 million insurance certificate and name the city as an additional insured.

Finally, no glass containers would be allowed, and no alcohol sales would be permitted on Sundays or between the hours of 9 p.m. and 11 a.m. any other day.

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• The city will host the second of two public hearings regarding the establishment of its Midtown Zoning District at its Dec. 9 meeting.

• City commissioners will consider a rezone request of the parcel at 3402 James L. Redman Parkway from R-3 (Multiple-family Dwelling District) to Planned Development at its Dec. 9 meeting.

• City Manager Greg Horwedel reported that the Florida Department of Environmental Protection provided final approval of the revised codes and issued updated permits to Significant Industrial Users.

Silvia Dodson, Empty Bowls team member, thanked the city for its help during the recent Empty Bowls Project event.

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