Plant City Observer


Mayor Nate Kilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on October 7. Also present at the dais were Vice-Mayor Jason Jones, City Commissioner Bill Dodson, City Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Clerk Kerri Miller, and City Manager Bill McDaniel.

Stephen Hartsfield, Senior Pastor at the First United Methodist Church offered the invocation. He prayed for the people still recovering from Hurricane Helene, then for protection from Hurricane Milton and the first responders that will be out during the storm and in its aftermath. Then, he asked for God’s presence with Plant City as those in attendance seek to do the work of the people, and that God would guide everyone in the work of the Commission meeting. Those present then stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The City Commission presented a proclamation recognizing the 100-year anniversary of the opening of the First United Methodist Church sanctuary. Mayor Kilton read the proclamation before the assembly. Excerpts are below. 

“Since the completion of the present sanctuary in 1924, this space…serving as a refuge and a source of inspiration for generations; and Whereas, the beautiful architecture and design of the sanctuary reflect not only the creativity and dedication of those who built it, but also the enduring spirit of the First United Methodist Church congregation; and Whereas, the sanctuary of the First United Methodist Church was, and continues to be, a significant contributor to the Downtown Historical District, serving as a district landmark in its beauty and outstanding architecture. Now, therefore, I, Nathan A. Kilton, by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor…do hereby recognize the 100th anniversary of the First United Methodist Church Sanctuary….on behalf of the City Commission, extend our congratulations and best wishes to Senior Pastor Stephen Hartsfield and the congregation in the commemoration of this milestone.”

Mayor Kilton thanked Pastor Hartsfield for the contribution to the community made by the First United Methodist Church, and how the church community corporately pours into Plant City.

When the floor opened for public comments, no one stepped forward. 

Since no one on the dais requested discussion of the below items on the consent agenda, the City Commissioners adopted the below items 4-0 in one motion.

24-471 – A resolution approving the minutes of Regular Meeting held September 23, 2024.

24-423 – A resolution approving an interlocal agreement with Hillsborough County for the EMS grant funding to improve and expand pre-hospital emergency medical services. The grant will be used toward the purchase of several rescue training devices, including an advanced airway management trainer. The County has agreed to reimburse the City for $9,757.59.

 24-460 – A resolution approving an amendment to the budget for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025.

24-468 – A resolution accepting an easement from JBL Lake Walden North Outlot, LLC, to maintain meters and backflow preventer assemblies.

24-474 – A resolution setting a public hearing for a final plat named Fieldstone, located at the southeast corner of North Wilder Road and East Sam Allen Road (PB-2024-03). The intent of the applicant, Heidt Design, is to develop a 115-lot, single-family residential subdivision within the Fieldstone Planned Development District. The Planning Board found this plat (PB2024-03) to be consistent with Plant City Zoning Ordinances.

24-475 – A resolution excusing the absence of Commissioner Sparkman from regular City Commission meetings. The Commissioner will be unable to attend the City Commission meeting on October 7 and October 28 due to health reasons.

24-464 – A resolution ratifying collective bargaining agreements with the International Association of Firefighters Local 2103. One agreement is with the positions of Driver/Engineer, Driver/Medic, Fire Inspector, Firefighter/EMT, and Firefighter/Paramedic. The other agreement is with the Fire Captains.

Bill McDaniel, the City Manager, brought before the Commissioners two items for a vote in addition to the released agenda. The first was to vote on the terms of an agreement for Hillsborough County to give $1.5 million to Plant City for the renovation of the 1914 High School. The second was a resolution giving the City Manager more executive authority to make decisions during Hurricane Milton. The major point was a waiver of procurement processes. The City Commission thanked the City Manager and his staff for their pre-storm preparations, urged citizens to prepare for the hurricane, stay off of roads before and after until all is clear, and to stay safe. The Commissioners said they would be praying for residents safety. These items passed 4-0.

The City Commission then moved on in the agenda with 24-473, which was a quasi-judicial public hearing on a final plat entitled Timber Ridge, located on the east side of Charlie Taylor Road, south of Midway Road and north of Swindell Road (PB-2024-22). The Planning and Zoning Department requested a continuance of the item. The applicant needed to complete additional paperwork before the official hearing. The continuance passed 4-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.

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