Commissioners approve repairs of sinkholes and damaged water main.
Mayor Nate Kilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Pastor Timothy Knighten, St. Mary’s Community Church, led off the meeting with a prayer asking for guidance for the Commission and that they would make wise and just decisions. He asked for protection for those who live in Plant City—that God would shield people from harm and danger. And “…because Jesus gave his life out of love for people, we have a right to love one another—that love would abound in all of our hearts.” He continued on by praying for blessing for Plant City in a mighty way, that the community would not incur problems that other cities have, and that the citizens of Plant City, “…would not forget who we are.”
Mayor Kilton then went on to present a proclamation recognizing July as Park and Recreation Month in Plant City:
“Whereas public parks and recreation systems are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life….
Whereas leisure experiences provide opportunities for young people to live, grow and develop into contributing members of society; create lifelines and continuous life experiences for older members of the community; generate opportunities for people to come together and experience a sense of community; improve the physical, mental and emotional health of communities; and pay dividends to communities by attracting business, jobs and increasing housing values; and
Whereas we recognize the vital contributions of employees and volunteers in recreation and parks facilities, as these dedicated supporters organize youth activities, provide educational programming, advocate for more open space and better trails and raise funds for local improvements, and ensure that recreation and parks facilities are safe and accessible places for all citizens to enjoy.”
The proclamation encouraged Plant City citizens to enjoy the parks and recreation opportunities the city offers.
The Commission voted 3-0 to approve the Consent Agenda—routine items. These items are adopted under one vote, and are not discussed unless requested by city leadership. If there is such a request, then the item is considered separately. There was no request for discussion and the below items were approved:
24-279: A resolution approving minutes of City Commission Regular Meeting held June 10, 2024.
24-283: A resolution approving the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative Interlocal Agreement. This agreement provides $191,220 to Plant City for Library operating funds.
24-285: A resolution approving a Mutual Aid Agreement with the State of Florida to enhance emergency response efforts throughout the state.
24-290: A resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement for Traffic Signal Maintenance with Hillsborough County. In this, Hillsborough County will compensate Plant City for maintenance of traffic signals that are jointly owned. Revenue will be allocated to the City street fund and will amount to $27,685 for the 2025 fiscal year, and $28,518 for the 2026 fiscal year.
Bill McDaniel, City Manager, brought four resolutions for the City Commission to vote on.
24-282: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a work order with Killebrew, Inc., for the repair of the Reclaimed Water Main on South Frontage Road. In the spring of 2022, Tampa Electric Company damaged the City’s 18-inch reclaimed water main while installing a transmission pole. The first company Plant City contracted for the repair did not come through. So, this is to contract with a new company. The work will be difficult and dangerous because fibre optic cable runs throughout the area, and electric and cable television lines are directly overhead. The estimated cost of the repair is $289,994.14.
24-281: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Madrid Engineering to stabilize the Lift Station 7 wet well site. The engineering company’s boring test found the site to be a potential sinkhole and that it needs additional stabilization. The cost to complete the stabilization is $71,933.68.
24-293: A resolution ratifying and approving emergency authorization of Madrid Engineering to investigate and remediate a sinkhole on Airport Road. A depression opened on Airport Road on May 3. It was confirmed to be a sinkhole on May 24. The cost of the confirmation investigation and testing is $27,461.00. The stabilization and repair of the sinkhole will cost an additional $296,424.00.
24-298: A resolution approving an amendment to the CIP budget for fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and the next four years.
24-272: Kerri Miller, the City Clerk, brought consideration of a resolution appointing Library Board members. Dodie White and Cynthia Morselli were reappointed to the Board for three years. Kethura Mary Vallebhaneni was the sole new applicant for the open, three-year position on the Board. The Commissioners discussed the application and were in favor of appointing her to the board.
These resolutions passed by votes of 3-0.
Below are the night’s Public Hearings.
24-289: A legislative public hearing on a resolution approving the proposed projects to be funded with the one-half percent infrastructure surtax. The list is general projects that gives the City some flexibility with expenditures if the Community Investment Tax extension is approved by Hillsborough County voters in November.
24-269: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Interlocal Agreement for distribution of the proceeds of the Community Investment Tax to be levied from December 1, 2026, through December 31, 2041. This is also conditional on whether Hillsborough County voters approve the Community Investment Tax in November.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15 p.m.