By Michael Eng | Managing Editor
Plant City Commissioner Dan Raulerson fought off tears Oct. 22, as his fellow commissioners and city leaders praised him for five years of civil service in Plant City.
Mayor Mike Sparkman presented Raulerson with a plaque and proclamation and Raulerson’s wife, Shirley, with roses. Raulerson, who is running for the Florida House of Representatives District 58 seat, served at his final commission meeting this week.
City Manager Greg Horwedel said the proclamation came with one caveat — that Raulerson promise to hang it in every office he holds.
“I’m going to sleep with it — how about that?” Raulerson said, smiling.
Sparkman, Vice Mayor Mary Thomas Mathis and commissioners Bill Dodson and Rick Lott all took time to congratulate Raulerson.
Raulerson was first elected to the commission in 2007. He also served for two years as mayor.
“To Plant City: Thank you for your confidence,” Raulerson said. “It’s been an honor to serve as a commissioner and mayor. I’ve gotten to meet so many great people. … It’s been a hoot.”
Raulerson also praised his fellow commissioners as well as city staff for their support.
“Your leadership, your mentoring (and) your dedication is what makes this a magical place,” he said. “And it’s not over. Should I be lucky enough to be elected to the Florida House, we will still be a team — in a different capacity.”
Contact Michael Eng at meng@plantcityobserver.com.
• Dan Morris and Nikki Emerson, of Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, praised Plant City for its help in bringing Care Fest 2012 to the community. Emerson said more than 150 local volunteers participated in the event and completed 18 projects throughout the city.
• City Manager Greg Horwedel reported the Sydney Road reclaimed water project is on schedule for completion before the Florida Strawberry Festival.
• Commissioners approved unanimously an amendment to the city budget that would give the police department $18,000 to purchase laptops for police officers and $13,000 for replacement servers. These capital outlays will be funded by cash held by the department as evidence, abandoned or lost property.
• The commission agreed to schedule two public hearings and one community meeting for designating the Lincoln Park Brownfield Area for rehabilitation The public hearings will be at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 26 and Dec. 10, and the community meeting will be at 6 p.m. Nov. 15.