Plant City Observer

Commission Roundup

There was a sparse crowd at this week’s brief commission meeting.

A proclamation was presented to Plant City Police Department, recognizing April 9 – 15 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. Communications Manager Jessica Alexander attended the meeting. “These women are more than anonymous voices on a phone, they’re the unseen first responders,” said Mayor Nate Kilton. “We support you and this is a small token of our appreciation.”

During public comments, Plant City resident Rhonda Trimble expressed concerns that her property, located adjacent to D.R. Horton’s Varrea community, was experiencing flooding issues. “I’m all about growth but I don’t want my property flooded,” she said. City officials, the developer and other agencies are aware of and investigating the issue.

The consent agenda was quickly and unanimously passed, approving the minutes from the last meeting, approving the installation of the Return Activated Sledge Pumps at the Water Reclamation Facility and resolutions setting a quasi-judicial public hearing for a final plat entitled Terrace at Walden Lake and final plat entitled Safe Lakeside Logistics Center.

City Manager Bill McDaniel shared that he presented eight challenge coins to eight City team members who assisted a citizen in medical distress. Those employees were: Leticia Amezquita, Charles (Tom) Benjamin, Cristoval Arevalo, John Elias, Renee Donaghy, Steven Sikes, Jerry Bridges and Eric Mooneyham.

City Attorney Kenneth Buchman briefly discussed two proposed ordinances that would amend Plant City code regarding the sale of cannabis if the federal government legalizes the drug. At last month’s Planning Board meeting, the Board reviewed both proposed ordinances (one to allow dispensaries in all districts where pharmacies are located and the other to prohibit them). The Board favored the ordinance allowing dispensaries. A public meeting to discuss the proposed ordinance is expected to be scheduled at the May 8 commission meeting.

The next commission meeting will be held Monday, April 24 at 7:30 p.m. following the 5 p.m. public meeting to discuss the status of the 1914 high school.

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