Residents speak in favor of tattoo ordinance change.
Mayor Nate Kilton called the January 27 Regular Meeting of the City Commission to order at 7:30 p.m. Also sitting at the dais were Vice-Mayor Jason Jones, City Commissioner Bill Dodson, City Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis, City Commissioner Michael Sparkman, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Clerk Kerri Miller, and City Manager Bill McDaniel.
Pastor Timothy Knighten from St. Mary’s Community Church of Plant City gave the invocation. The assembly followed by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Though the room was packed with more than 100 residents, no one stood to speak during the slot for public comments. The City Commissioners passed with a 5-0 vote, the routine items on the consent agenda:
City Manager Bill McDaniel had one item on the agenda.
24-439 – A resolution authorizing the city manager to execute a letter requesting cancellation of a grant agreement with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to perform a flood vulnerability assessment. City staff found the agreement with the Florida EPA to be redundant because Hillsborough County is conducting a flood vulnerability assessment that will include Plant City. No money had been spent by the city in this matter, and the cancellation will eliminate future city expenses.
City Attorney Kenneth Buchman had no items to bring before the City Commission. City Clerk Kerri Miller brought two items for discussion and voting.
25-006 – Consideration of a resolution appointing two members to the Planning Board. City Commissioners were thrilled 16 people applied, and said there were great candidates among them. They voted 5-0 to retain Matt Stone, and also to add Clay Joyner to take a seat vacated by Doug Driggers. Mayor Kilton thanked Driggers for his many years of service on the Board, and thanked those who submitted applications.
25-563 – Consideration of a resolution appointing a member of the Hillsborough Citizens Advisory Committee of the Transportation Planning Organization. There were no new applicants for this position, and the City Commissioners voted 5-0 to reappoint Steven Hollenkamp.
25-018 – A transmittal public hearing for map amendment PC/CPA 23-05 located at the Northeast corner of North Alexander/Paul Buchman and Knights Griffin Road. Many of the people in the room came for this part of the meeting. Planning and Zoning staff recommended the transmittal. Several residents stood to oppose this change. Arguments against were that such growth in Plant City is adding to already terrible traffic, that entry from neighborhoods onto the main thoroughfares in the area is already dangerous, and that there are already many empty warehouses in Plant City. The City Commissioners agreed together this is a preliminary stage, and that they need to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. They voted 5-0 to approve the transmittal to the State for comments.
25-021 – The first of two public hearings on an ordinance amending Section 102-491 regarding tattoo establishments (PB-2024-42). More than 25 people came to the meeting for this item. Several from the crowd stood to speak to advocate for a business owner who wishes to open a tattoo shop in downtown. Among those who advocated for the amendment were two pastors at the Crossing Church who spoke on behalf of the business owner’s support of young people and positive impact on the community. Since this is the first hearing on the matter, no vote was taken.
25-017 – A quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance for a major modification to the Townhomes at Redman Planned Development District located on the east side of South Baptist Church Road south of Alexander Street and north of Charlie Griffin Road. This hearing passed 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.