While last week’s Plant City City Commission meeting included recognizing Commissioner Michael Sparkman for his 30 years of service as a commissioner, they quickly got down to discussing city business.
As part of the city’s consent agenda, commissioners approved a contract with Accretive Global Insurance Services LLC for its property, casualty and excess workers compensation insurance program for $1,007,956, approved to renew an inter-local agreement with the Hillsborough
County Sheriff’s Office to provide crossing guards at 13 Plant City public schools and approved a resolution accepting an easement from AMQ International Corporation to maintain meters and backflow preventer assemblies.
Also included in consent agenda items were amending its Fleet Management and Vehicle Maintenance Agreement with King & George LLC (increasing its total operating target for FY 2023-2024 to $2.029 million), reassigning the city’s scrap metal recycling contract to United Scrap Metal FL, Inc., the company that acquired Pasco Iron and Metal, LLC, the city’s former contractor and accepting a warranty deed from CLF TWO, LLC for the city’s pubic lift station 41, located inside County Line Business Park.
A resolution was approved authorizing the city manager to execute a work order with Wharton-Smith, Inc. for the construction of the Park Road Collection System Extension not to exceed $3,667,557, which will include installing a new lift station (a pumping station that moves wastewater from a lower elevation to a higher elevation, an essential part of an effective sewage collection system) and pipeline between the new lift station and existing force main and effluent gravity sewer inside the lift station site. The funds for this project come from American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The estimated completion date of the project is 14 months from Notice to Proceed to final completion.

“This is an important project for us, it’s going to set us up in the whole northeast quadrant, moving across the interstate is no small task,” said Mayor Nate Kilton.
Commissioners also approved an agreement with Garland/DBS Inc. to replace the roof on the Parks & Recreation building for $353,299. They also approved a ground lease agreement with Wheeler Street Station, LLC to allow the company to construct a new asphalt parking lot on a city-owned piece of property located adjacent to the site of the Wheeler Street Station project.
In other news, commissioners approved an ordinance to vacate a 1,580 foot long County Line Farms Boulevard right-of-way within the County Line Farms subdivision, located on the west side of South County Line Road, as well as a modification to the Planned Development District modification, including relocating and enlarging one of the buildings. Commissioners also approved the final plat, creating an eight-lot industrial subdivision.

In other business, changes were approved to the proposed elevations of 177 single-family homes in the Fieldstone Planned Development District, located at the southeast corner of East Sam Allen Road and North Wilder Road.
“This is going to be a phenomenal project right there by the hospital, a great spot for it,” said Kilton. “It’s going to give some additional options for our community and I’m expecting we’re going to be pleasantly surprised when it’s finished.”

An amendment was also approved to Plant City Code, including amending sections of Chapter 38 (Historic Preservation). The first of two legislative public hearings were also held on ordinances to amend sections 102 (Zoning, Plant City Code) regarding adding churches and amending area requirements in industrial districts and regarding telecommunication towers being allowed in areas designated for industrial uses.
The next commission meeting is Monday, September 11 at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall.