Plant City Observer

Community garden kicks off fall season

Our own Plant City Commons Community Garden is just about ready to kick off its second full year of involvement in the Plant City community.

The first year saw volunteers totally transform the front and side lawns, at 309 N. Carey St., into a substantial demonstration garden. Permaculture principles were employed to create more than 30 garden beds, which  are providing fresh produce for both private individuals and local organizations who serve the neighborhood. Educational movies were presented, and a book study of “Gaia’s Garden” began (and continues the third Wednesday of each month at Bruton Memorial Library,  302 W. McLendon St., Plant City). A local artist created a garden “angel,”  an instructional seminar brought people from Tampa and Lakeland to share how to more effectively garden organically, and a Food Day 2012 gathering was hosted with live music, food and informative speeches.

This garden is on the move!

Well it’s that time of year again. It’s still steaming outside, and the more exotic summer edibles are mature as the calendar informs us gardeners to start preparing for the fall growing season. Extract the seed packets that have been hibernating in the fridge and sort through the varieties of squash, beans, lettuce, tomatoes, spinach, kale and whatever other favorites have been saved for this much anticipated re-bonding with our garden beds. There is still time to order new varieties of heritage or heirloom seeds to add to our existing stock (or visit herbalist Willow LaMonte, in Valrico, or Scotty’s Produce at the Lakeland farmers market). September is a wonderful month to both direct seed into our garden beds and to start seedlings in trays for October planting into the ground.

Yes, and then there is the magnificent, microbe and humus rich soil upon which we rely to stimulate our seeds and nourish our young plants. The community garden beds were astoundingly productive last year. It’s now time to top off the beds and re-mulch to keep our environment fertile.


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The Plant City Commons Community Garden is run completely by volunteers to serve our greater community.

If you have ever thought about beginning a home garden and want to expand your knowledge of organic methods you are invited to come out and visit the community garden. How can the garden group more effectively serve the needs of Plant City? We hope you, your family, your friends get to know this lovely garden.

We will host a guided tour of the garden at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, at 309 N. Carey St. This is the perfect time to come out and get to know more about this growing community resource. Please join us!

Bob Abbenzeller is a permaculture designer and  volunteer at Plant City Commons Community Garden. The garden is on Facebook; search for “Plant City Commons.”  For more, contact Abbenzeller at or call (813) 489-5520.

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The Plant City Commons Community Garden will host a guided tour this weekend.

WHEN: 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 7

WHERE: 309 N. Carey St.


The Plant City Commons Community Garden is formed for neighbors to help neighbors. We are committed to developing programs of education and practical application of permaculture ethics:

• Care for the earth

• Care for the people

• Share the surplus

All neighbors of like spirit are welcome.

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