FDOT will host the meeting at Bruton Memorial Library to discuss roadway improvements.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), District Seven is hosting a Plant City Transportation Talks public meeting on Tues., Nov. 14 from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Bruton Memorial Library’s meeting room, located at 302 McLendon St.
The meeting will begin with a brief presentation regarding the two study corridors: US 92 from Turkey Creek Road to Park Road and SR 39 from West Alexander Street to SR 60. FDOT representatives will discuss the proposed improvements, answer questions and receive comments.
Following the presentation, the public is invited to participate in breakout sessions around the room for specific corridor engagement. The purpose of the meeting is to identify potential short-term and long-term improvements to the area and discuss safety, roadway maintenance, pedestrian and bicycle features and aesthetics.
“We are here to listen to the public’s concerns or suggestions they have for their community regarding transportation,” said FDOT District Seven Communications Manager Kris Carson.
While they’ll be seeking specific feedback about the two areas of roadways, they’re willing to hear any complaints or suggestions about all local roads. “Any roadway you have a concern about, we’ll be there to take your feedback,” said Carson. “If it’s not a state road, we’ll work with our local agency partners to get your suggestions addressed.”
Presentation and corridor specific materials will be posted on the study website at FDOTTampaBay.com/project/1010/452951-1. If you can’t make the meeting, comments can be submitted online by emailing Elizabeth Winters at Elizabeth.Winters@dot.state.fl.us.