Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 01.30.25

January 17

Needed a Jump – Theft-Delayed

400 block of Charlie Taylor Rd

Officers responded to the active construction site at this location and met with a representative.  It was learned an employee had left four Crown brand 12-volt battery packs and four jumper cables in an unsecured wooden box on the construction site.  The items were last seen on January 10. They were missing when the workers arrived back to work.

You Can’t Hide – Warrant Arrest

2700 block of Thonotosassa Rd

An officer responded to the above location in reference to a subject the staff wanted trespassed.  Upon arrival, contact was made with a subject, who left the property immediately upon contact.  An NCIC/FCIC check was conducted, and an active warrant was found for VOP Battery.  The subject was placed under arrest and transported to Orient Road Jail.

99 Bottles of Beer – Theft – Shoplifting

1500 block of S. Alexander St

Officers responded to the above location in reference to a subject taking beer without paying. A check of the area was conducted, however, the subject could not be located. 

Wild, Wild West – Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon

1900 block of James L Redman Pkwy

An officer responded to the above listed location in reference to a possible aggravated assault. Two men both accused the other of displaying firearms during an argument. 

January 18

Social Media Trends Are Bad – Criminal Mischief

4300 block of Barrett Ave

An officer responded to the above location and met with the victims, who advised they were at their residence eating dinner when they heard a loud bang and saw their front door open. Juveniles were found to have caused the damage to the door. The victims opted to sign a waiver of prosecution.

January 19

Nighty Night – Drug Possession/Armed Trafficking

2700 block of Thonotosassa Rd

An officer responded in reference to a suspicious vehicle blocking the entrance to the business. Two subjects were located sleeping inside. Contact was made with the subjects, and while speaking with them, a plastic baggie containing unknown pills was observed in the passenger’s possession. The passenger was taken into custody and transported to Orient Road Jail.

That You Cheech? – Drug Possession (THC oil)

100 block of Lake Blvd

An officer located a suspicious vehicle at the above location and, upon contact with the vehicle, smelled the odor of marijuana, and a cloud of smoke exited the vehicle as the windows rolled down. Both occupants of the vehicle were taken into custody and transported to Orient Road Jail and JAC. Neither were eligible for diversion programs due to the charges being felonies.

Can’t Smoke ‘em – Criminal Mischief

2900 block of James L Redman Pkwy

An officer met with the employee/witness, who advised that a subject entered the business and attempted to purchase tobacco products. Due to not having any valid identification, the subject was denied the purchase, and as a result, he caused a disturbance and a total of $2,309.98 in damage to the business. The subject was located at another business a short time later. He was taken into custody and transported to Orient Road Jail.

January 21

Seriously, Another Scan Scam? – Shoplifting

2600 block of James L Redman Pkwy

An officer responded to the above-listed business in reference to shoplifting. A subject failed to scan and purchase 37 items of merchandise. The subject was observed passing all points of sale without attempting to purchase the items valued at $126.22. A criminal history check revealed the subject had no previous arrests, qualifying her for the adult prearrest diversion program. The subject was later released and provided with the stipulations of the APAD program.

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