Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 03.03.17

The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department.

Feb. 17


220 block of West Alexander Street.

Found bicycle: Officers responded to a movie theater following a report of three juveniles that were not in school. The juveniles, all boys, were seen entering the theater’s parking lot from an apartment complex. The boys attempted to flee on foot and bicycle, but the two on foot were stopped and taken back to school. The third dropped his bicycle and hopped a fence to evade the officers. The bicycle was impounded for safekeeping after no one claimed ownership.


920 block of North Mobley Street.

Vehicle burglary: Officer met with complainant who stated unknown suspect(s) had entered their unlocked Toyota SUV overnight Thursday, Feb. 16, and stolen their wallet.


2300 block of Maki Road.

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Petit theft: Officer met with complainant who stated unknown suspect(s) had stolen several pieces of furniture from her patio. The furniture was valued at $50. The incident happened between midnight Wednesday, Feb. 15, and 7 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 16.


2300 block of James L. Redman Parkway.

Vehicle burglary: Officer met with complainant, who stated unknown suspect(s) had stolen an envelope containing $10,000 from his car. Complainant had parked next to an auto repair shop and left his passenger side window open before exiting the car and entering the shop.


300 block of North Wilder Road.

Burglary: Officer met with complainant who stated unknown suspect(s) entered her home between 1:30 and 6 p.m. Friday, Feb. 17, and stole a pickle jar containing $250 in cash. The suspect(s) had forced entry through the home’s rear door.

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Feb. 18


2210 block of James L. Redman Parkway.

Burglary: Officer met with complainant who stated unknown suspect(s) had entered a vacant building while it was being remodeled and stole a paint sprayer. None of the workers had noticed the suspect(s).

Feb. 21


300 block of North Michigan Avenue.

Simple battery: Officer met with complainant who stated he had been punched by a coworker. The complainant only knew the suspect by the name “David,” and was uninjured. 


1400 block of South Collins Street.

Vehicle burglary: Officer met with complainant, who stated unknown suspect(s) had stolen the handicap placard from her vehicle. Complainant left her car windows open while shopping in the area and noticed the placard was missing when she returned to her vehicle. 


3900 block of Creek Woods Drive.

Theft: Officer met with complainant, who stated unknown suspect(s) entered their unlocked vehicle and stole a black canvas bag containing $2,000 worth of barber equipment. The bag had “Shear Excellence,” the name of the complainant’s barber school, on its side.

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