Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 07.07.17

June 23


100 block of South Collins Street

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Open Container: A man was arrested in McCall Park after police say he was found “passed out” with a “cold 24-ounce Steel Reserve” beer open in his hand. Police say he was found near the bathroom where a sign “clearly states ‘no alcoholic beverages allowed.’”


June 24


100 block of North Gordon Street

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Larceny: A man nicknamed “DooDoo” was arrested after police say he was caught on camera stealing more than $300 from a retail store. Police say the man overfilled a shopping cart before leaving the store without paying. After making it out with one cart, police say the man came back and filled another cart but was “scared away” when he noticed employees caught on. Police identified the man via surveillance video and arrested him at another location.


June 28

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3400 block of Edwards Road

Burglary: A man was arrested following an April incident in which he robbed a residence, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. HCSO says the man and another, unknown suspect entered the residence and stole electronics, a blood pressure reading machine, a vacuum cleaner, Mexican passports and other personal property. Witnesses, HCSO say, confronted the defendants as they sat outside in a green Ford F-150 pickup truck. A witness took a photograph of the two before they left the scene. The photograph was used to identify the man HCSO arrested.

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