June 28
Get Out! – Trespass in a Structure
100 block of N Edwards St
An officer responded to the above location and met with the complainant who stated they left the house for approximately 30 minutes to go to the store and returned home to an unknown male inside the house. The unknown male fled the scene.
No Tool Rental – Retail Theft
2600 block of James L Redman Pkwy
An officer responded to the above location in reference to the theft of $425.41 worth of tools. The suspect was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.
June 29
Play on 11 – Theft
1400 block of S Collins St
Officers responded to the above location and met with the complainants who reported an amplifier was stolen.
Mr. Clean – Theft
2100 block of W. Baker St
An officer responded to the above location in reference to the theft of a large amount of laundry detergent.
June 30
Pedal Power – Felony Petit Theft
1400 block of Bracewell Dr
An officer responded to the above location and met with the complainant, who reported a subject stole his bicycle with a trailer attached. The subject was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.
July 1
This Is How We Roll….Away – Shoplifting
2600 block of James L Redman Pkwy
Officers responded to the above location and met with loss prevention who stated a subject had loaded a shopping cart with approximately $375 of miscellaneous merchandise and attempted to leave without rendering payment. Loss prevention attempted to stop the subject at which time he shoved loss prevention and fled on foot through the parking lot.
No License to Crash – DWLSR
W. Alexander St/James L Redman Pkwy
An officer responded to the intersection in reference to a crash. Contact was made with the driver of vehicle one, who was found to be operating the vehicle with no insurance and a suspended license, with four prior convictions of DWLSR. There was also a seize tag order for the attached license plate. The tag was seized and placed into evidence and the driver was transported to Orient Road Jail.
Put Duct Tape On It – False Name to LEO
S. Evers St/W Warren St
An Officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle with no visible license plate and a Plexiglass windshield that was duct taped on. The driver was arrested for False Name to LEO.
You Again? – Warrant Arrest
After being identified during the above-listed case, the suspect was found to have an active Polk County Warrant. The warrant was confirmed with a bond of $5000.
July 2
Under Pressure – Theft
700 block of S Evers St
Officers responded and met with the complainant, who stated during the overnight hours on July 1, an unknown subject entered the property, attempted to gain access to an RV on-site and failed. The subject then unhooked and removed a black and red Troy Bilt pressure washer valued at approximately $575.
July 3
Not Illuminating – Theft
400 block of N Alexander St
An officer Galvan met with the complainants, who advised their bicycle lights were taken from bicycles that were parked outside of the above location while they were inside for approximately 45 minutes.
Don’t Take It – Burglary
2700 block of Idyll Lakes Cr
An Officer met with two victims, who reported their vehicles were entered in the early morning hours of July 1. Miscellaneous items of minimal value were taken.
July 4
You Can Run – Warrant/Resist w/o violence
W Reynolds St/N Evers St
An officer attempted a traffic stop and a driver who had an active Desoto County warrant for robbery by sudden snatching fled on foot. The driver was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.