This week on Cops Corner: Plant City Police Department investigated stolen Tide pods, a mailbox vandal, traveling woes, a snack attack, missing items from a car, stolen golf carts, a drunk driver and more.
Oct. 18
spice up your life
Commerce Street/Sydney Road
RAWOV/Warrant/Drug investigation: Officers discovered a vehicle parked behind a wooded tree line. Upon inspection, they discovered the driver had outstanding felony warrants for burglary. He was taken into custody. The passenger was found to be in possession of spice. Both were arrested and taken to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Ghost ride the whips
1900 block of
South Frontage Road
Burglary, business: This victim reported to officers that two golf carts were stolen from the above listed location during 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. on Oct. 17.
Scary driver
West Alsobrook Street/
South Evers Street
DUI: Officers conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle after watching it run a stop sign and then drive off the roadway. The driver was found to be driving under the influence and was arrested.
his road, his rules
Coronet Road/
Roberts Ranch Road
DWLSR: A man was driving his vehicle along the shoulder with his four-way flashers on. He was stopped by officers and they realized he was Driving With License Suspended or Revoked. He was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.
Oct. 19
Wronged at WAWA
2700 block of
Thonotosassa Road
Vehicle burglary: Officers made contact with this victim who said she went into Wawa between 5:15 and 5:20 p.m. Oct. 19. While she was inside the store, an unknown subject(s) removed a quilted AA book and two CD cases, which held approximately 20 CDs, from her unlocked vehicle.
Oct. 20
reelin’ in the years
2900 block of
Lakehouse Cove Isle
Petit theft: This victim reported to officers the theft of eight custom seven-foot saltwater fishing rods with Daiwa reels from his garage. They were valued at $800.
Oct. 21
live wire
500 block of
Northwest Drake Street
Criminal mischief: This complainant reported that during the night of Oct. 20, an unknown suspect forced entry into the vacant residence at the above listed location through the front door. Once inside, they cut the electrical wire from the electrical boxes.
Oct. 22
You’ve got mail
200 block of East Terrace Drive
Criminal mischief: This complainant told officers that during the night of Oct. 21, an unknown suspect came onto the property and damaged the front door to the business’s mailbox.
Oct. 23
Snack attack
1700 block of
James L. Redman Parkway
Retail (JAAP): A juvenile took candy and soda from a store without paying. When caught, it was determined they qualified for the JAAP program.
dirty deeds,
clean clothes
1400 block of
South Collins Street
Theft: Officers responded to the above listed location after receiving a call that a suspect stole $4.95 worth of Tide pods on Oct. 22.
party poopers
Charlow Court/Bethune Drive
Drug possession: Officers made contact with a man who was sitting in an SUV at the above listed intersection. He was charged with possession of MDMA and drug paraphernalia. In addition, he was charged with violation of probation. He was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Oct. 24
‘and you, music lover, you’re next’
2600 block of
James L. Redman Parkway
Theft: This complainant reported to officers that an unknown white male stole two Sony speakers and an HP computer from a store at 11:08 a.m.