Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 10.24.13

OCT. 14


1900 block of South Frontage Road. Counterfeit Bill. The customer advised officers he was given a counterfeit bill as change at the convenience store. The bill was confiscated and impounded..


700 block of South Gibbs Street. Residential Burglary. The victim advised an unknown suspect gained entry to her residence through the northeast window and stole $1,100 in cash, which was hidden in two locations.  Nothing else was missing from the residence.

OCT. 15


2400 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Stolen Tag. The victim reported a Florida license plate was stolen from a blue 2013 Toyota four-door, which was parked at the rear of the business.


4200 block of Amberjack Boulevard. Petit Theft. The complainant advised that an unknown white male and white female have been stealing scrap metal from the Dumpsters at the north side business.


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1400 block of South Collins Street. Theft. At about 2:30 p.m., the victim was in the parking lot of the business, when a black male suspect asked to borrow his cell phone. When he handed him the phone, the suspect rode a red bike north on Evers Street and fled the scene.


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3600 block of West Baker Street. Vehicle Burglary. A business representative advised that two vehicles were left unlocked on the lot. One vehicle had a JVC cd player stolen, and the other vehicle had steering column damage from unknown suspect(s) attempting to steal the vehicle.


2900 block of Forest Club DriveTheft. The victim advised that more than $5,000 in jewelry has been missing for about a year.


4300 block of Barret Avenue. Domestic Battery. The victim advised he got into a verbal argument with his wife, because he went out for drinks after work. The wife then spit on the victim and hit him in the face. The wife was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.

OCT. 16


Intersection of East Alabama and South Morgan streets. Possession of Cocaine/Tampering with Evidence/Resisting Arrest. An officer conducted a traffic stop on a bicycle for running a stop sign. The rider gave the officer consent to search. The officer located what he suspected to be crack cocaine in the suspect’s front right pocket. The officer placed the cocaine on the hood of his patrol car and began to handcuff the suspect. While the officer was attempting to place the second handcuff on, the suspect pulled his arm away, grabbed the cocaine and placed it in his mouth. The suspect then started to chew the cocaine rapidly. The officer was unable to retrieve the cocaine. The officer tested residue from the suspect’s pocket and from the hood of the car, and it was positive for cocaine.  The suspect was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine, tampering with evidence and resisting an officer.


2700 block of Paul Buchman Highway. Grand Theft. Unknown person(s) stole a pay phone from in front of the business. The phone is valued at $3,500.


Intersection of West Reynolds and Carey streets. Possession of Methamphetamine/Possession of Paraphernalia. An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for failure to maintain a single lane of travel. The officer obtained consent to search and located a case in a purse belonging to the passenger. Inside the case, the officer found a scale, which contained white residue, a used straw and a small baggie, containing a white substance. The residue on the scale and the substance tested positive for methamphetamine (2.5 grams). The suspect was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.


1500 block of YMCA Place. Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts. The victim parked her 2005 Mercedes at 5 p.m. in the parking lot When she left at 9 p.m., she noticed the right rear tire and wheel had been removed from her car.

OCT. 17


600 block of South Collins Street. Vehicle Burglary/Firearm Theft. Unknown person(s) entered an unlocked GMC truck and stole a black Springfield 9-mm semi-automatic handgun from the glove box.

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Intersection of West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and David Street. Drug Possession. An officer witnessed a hand-to-hand transaction drug transaction. He made contact with the suspect and obtained consent to search. The search yielded two grams of marijuana.


18000 block of Charter Court. Possession of a Firearm/Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. An officer conducted a traffic stop on a truck for having no brake lights. The officer approached the driver, who had already gotten out of his vehicle. The officer requested a canine unit to respond. A Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office deputy responded with his canine and conducted a free air sniff of the vehicle. The canine alerted, and a hand search was conducted. The search yielded a scale with marijuana residue and a loaded .38-caliber revolver, which was found in the side pocket of the driver’s door. The suspect was charged with carrying a concealed firearm and possession of paraphernalia. He was transported to Orient Road Jail.


2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Retail Theft. An officer responded to the store in reference to three detained shoplifters. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the adult suspect and two juveniles were arrested for concealing store merchandise and walking past all points of sale without paying for it. The adult was released from the scene with a court date. The female juvenile was released to her guardian with a pending court date. The male juvenile was transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center, in Tampa, because the dollar value of the merchandise stolen was a felony.

OCT. 18


3500 block of West Baker Street. Aggravated Battery. The victim reported that he walked to the store and was confronted by the suspect. The suspect struck the victim in the face with a 4-foot-long 2-by-4.


900 block of West Warren Street. Residential Burglary. The victim reported that someone broke into his apartment and stole a one-carat square-cut diamond ring, valued at $1,000; a men’s Michael Kors gold watch, valued at $375; and a pair of men’s black and green Nike shoes. The suspect(s) entered by shattering a bedroom window.


400 block of Pevetty Drive. Grand Theft. Unknown suspect(s) stole the range/oven and refrigerator from the house sometime in the past two weeks. There was no damage to the home.


500 block of South Maryland Avenue. Beverage Violation. The suspect was observed at the store with an open 16-ounce Old English beer.

OCT. 19


3500 block of West Baker Street. Update Aggravated Battery. The victim observed the suspect who had hit him with a 2-by-4 board enter an apartment. The suspect was found hiding in the rear closet of the apartment. The suspect was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.

OCT. 20


2800 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Bike Theft. The victim stated that he placed his 27-inch black men’s mountain bike on the side of the business when he arrived at work. Shortly after starting work, a person told him someone was riding off on his bike. The victim saw a heavy set Hispanic male adult wearing a gray shirt, dirty blue jeans and one sock riding towards Charlie Griffin Road. Officers arrived on scene but were unable to locate the bike or suspect.


Intersection of West Baker and Woodrow Wilson streets. No Valid Driver’s License. An officer conducted a traffic stop on a maroon 2004 Ford Taurus that was driving on the roadway with no tire on the right front rim. The driver did not have a valid driver’s license. The driver was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.

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