Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 10.24.14

The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department.

OCT. 10


1700 block of East Warren Street. Fraud. The victim stated unknown suspect(s) used his debit/credit card online at attempted to charge $114 worth of merchandise. The transaction was stopped, and the victim was refunded his money. A fraud report was completed.


1400 of South Collins Street. Retail Theft. The suspect was caught attempting to steal $49.53 worth of merchandise. She was detained, arrested and released with a court date.


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2600 James L. Redman Parkway. Retail Theft. The suspect attempted to steal merchandise valued at $113. He was charged with retail theft.


600 block of North Pennsylvania Avenue. Residential Burglary. The victim stated he returned home to find an LG2 phone was taken from a night stand. The phone was valued at $500.

OCT. 11


20 block of Euclid Avenue. Deadly Missile into Occupied Dwelling. The victim stated an unknown suspect threw a brick through her bedroom window, while she and her children were in the home.

OCT. 12


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1300 block of Crum Street. Vehicle Burglary. The victim stated an unknown amount of coins and an unknown amount of tools, possibly a wrench or jack, were taken from behind the driver’s seat of his gray Chevrolet pickup.


3220 block of Pineclub Drive. Information. The victim was returning home via his vehicle, and a male walking his dog without a leash entered a crosswalk in the path of the victim’s vehicle. He had to stop suddenly to avoid striking the dog. The male walking the dog walked over to the victim’s door, yelled at him and grabbed his shirt through the window. The two engaged in a brief struggle outside of the vehicle before police arrival. Neither party was injured and did not require medical attention. A battery report was completed with waivers of prosecution.

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1100 block of West Risk Street. Vehicle Burglary. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to steal the victim’s 1995 red Ford pickup. Entry was made through the sliding rear window. The vehicle had extensive steering column damage. Nothing was taken from the vehicle.


410 block of Walter Drive. Petit Theft of Bicycle. 410 block of Walter Drive. The victim reported that her red three-wheeled bicycle with front and rear baskets and a cup-holder was stolen.


300 block of West McClendon Street. Theft. The victim reported unknown suspect(s) stole a “Nook” tablet. The tablet was later recovered.


1000 block of North Warnell Street. Residential Burglary. A Toro leaf blower, and a women’s 24-inch mountain bike were stolen from an open carport. The leaf blower was valued at $100. The bike was valued at $150.

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