This week on Cops Corner Plant City Police Investigate: a stolen semi-truck, burglary of a construction site and damage to new homes under construction.
Nov. 10
Taken Trailer- Trailer Theft
2200 Block of S. Frontage Road
An officer responded to a construction site and met with the victim who reported an unknown suspect took an open trailer form the unsecured site.
No License To Drive- Felony DWLS
S. Collins Street/W. Strickland Street
An officer conducted a traffic stop for expired registration and arrested the driver who was transported to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Criminal Canner- Criminal Mischief
200 Block of W. Alexander Street
An officer met with the victim who reported criminal mischief was done to his vehicle from cans thrown at it.
Nov. 11
Disappearing Accent- Vehicle Theft
3000 Block of W. Baker Street
An officer met with the victim who reported his Hyundai Accent was stolen.
Wasted Behind the Wheel- DUI Arrest
W. Reynolds Street/N. Magnolia Street
An officer arrested a man for DUI. He was taken to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Nov. 12
End of the Expedition- Stolen Vehicle
1200 Block of Townsgate Court
An officer responded to Publix and made contact with the victim, who reported his Ford Expedition was stolen.
She’s An Animal- Animal Abuse Arrest
1600 Block of Oakwood Estates Drive
While an officer was conducting a standby for an adult male who was moving belongings from a residence, a woman was arrested for animal abuse and transported to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Lost and Found- Stolen Vehicle Recovery
Tampa, FL
An officer learned that the vehicle previously reported stolen earlier in the day (the Expedition) was located in Tampa. The vehicle was released to the owner.
Nov. 13
Crooks on Crooked River- Burglary Construction Site
3000 Block of Crooked River Drive
An officer met with a representative of the business who reported that appliances were stolen from several homes under construction.
Stolen Semi- Grand Theft
3000 Block of Gordon Food Service Drive
An officer met with an employee of the business who reported the theft of a semi-trailer, which was last known to be on the site on May 1. The trailer was entered into FCIC/NCIC.
Nov. 14
Wire Wreckage- Criminal Mischief
2000 Block of Idyll Lake Circle
An officer met with a representative of the homebuilder, who reported approximately $7,000 damage to wiring within several homes under construction.
Nov. 15
Polar Popped- Stolen Vehicle
600 Block of E. Baker Street
An officer responded and met with the victim who reported the theft of a Green Polaris four-wheeler.
Apple- Business Burglary
100 Block of N. Collins Street
An officer responded and met with the victim who reported someone stole several electronics from his office, including an iPhone, MacBook, iPad and camera.
Nov. 16
Tent Went- Structure Burglary
l600 Block of Jim Johnson Road
An officer responded to the business and met with the victim who reported someone cut the lock to her storage unit and removed an Aigocano-brand pop-up tent valued at $100.