Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 12.12.13

The following information was gathered from incident and arrest reports obtained from the Plant City Police Department.

NOV. 18


2000 block of Clubhouse Drive. Grand Theft. Unknown suspect(s) stole golf cart No. 61.


1 Police Place. Theft. The victim came to the police department to report the theft of his vehicle’s registration decal. He put the sticker on his tag in July and hasn’t paid attention to it. He does not know when it was stolen.


1200 block of West Madison Street. Grand Theft. The complainant advised that her mother’s Dell laptop was stolen from the residence, possibly by guests in the home, because there was no forced entry.

NOV. 19


1500 block of East Laura Street. Narcotics/Revoked License/Resist Without Violence. An officer conducted a traffic stop on a white Hyundai Sonata for a traffic violation. The driver (and sole occupant of the vehicle) car got out of the car, turned and faced the officer, then took off running after being told to get back in the car. After a short foot chase, the suspect was caught. He was still in possession of the car keys. It was determined he has a revoked Florida driver’s license. He was placed under arrest for the license offense and for resisting an officer. During an inventory of the car, a pill bottle containing 10 crack rocks, totaling 3.1 grams, was located near the driver’s seat. The suspect was transported to the Orient Road Jail.


1100 block of North. Merrin Street. Criminal Mischief. Unknown suspect(s) spray-painted “X4” on a fence at the residence. It was unknown when the damage occurred.

NOV. 20


1800 block of North Barnes Street. Battery. The victim got into an argument with her neighbor, and the neighbor struck the victim several times with a fist. A Request for Prosecution was issued to the victim.


500 block of East Gilchrist Street. Bicycle Thefts. At about 12:30 p.m., two unsecured bicycles were stolen from the bicycle rack. An unidentified witness only described to school officials that two black males took the bicycles. One bicycle is a green “Abyss,” and the other is pink with daisies.

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1200 block of Townsgate Court. Theft. The victim advised she was on a second date with a white male she knew only as “Patrick.” She went into the store to use the restroom, and, when she came out, he was gone and so was her purse.


100 block of Henry Avenue. Burglary. The victim advised someone entered his residence through a window and stole a TV he had just purchased.


1100 block of North Johnson Street. Vehicle Burglary. The victim advised her 2003 Ford truck had been broken into, and pills were stolen.

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NOV. 22


1100 block of West Risk Street. Residential Burglary. Unknown person(s) entered the home through an unsecured front door. Two rooms in the house were ransacked, and two iPad minis and a Dell laptop were stolen.


2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Shoplifting. An unknown suspect placed several clothing items, valued at $117.57, in a cart and pushed them outside without paying. She was confronted by loss-prevention officials about the clothing and fled, leaving behind a $110 car seat for which she paid. She left the area in a maroon 2003 Chevy Tahoe.


100 block of West Drew Street. Residential Burglary. The victim advised a flat-screen TV, valued at $900, was stolen sometime on Nov. 21. The victim found her rear residence door open and thinks someone used a key that was hidden under the doormat to gain entry.


403 North Alexander Street. Uttering a Forged Prescription. The suspect went to the pharmacy and dropped off a prescription for Xanax. She later returned and tried to pick up the prescription. The pharmacist made contact with the doctor’s office and learned the prescription pad had been stolen.


2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Shoplifting/Grand Theft. The suspect exited the business with $400 worth of fishing equipment, without rendering payment. The suspect was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.

NOV. 23

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3200 block of West Reynolds Street. Burglary/Theft. The suspect was arrested for entering a residence and stealing miscellaneous items, valued at more than $2,000. Some of the stolen property was found in the suspect’s possession and returned to the owner.


2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Shoplifting. A male juvenile was arrested for attempting to steal a mini speaker worth $29.88. The juvenile was released to his parents, pending a court date.

NOV. 24


400 block of North Frontage Road. Commercial Burglary/Criminal Mischief. An officer was dispatched to an alarm call at the business. Upon arrival, the officer saw a cut in the northern side of the perimeter fence and a white male crouched down between the heavy equipment. When the officer ordered the suspect to step out and identify himself, the suspect ran northbound through a dense, high-grass area. The officer pursued on foot but lost sight of the suspect. A K-9 track was unsuccessful, and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office air support could not locate the suspect, because of denseness of the trees in the area. The fleeing subject left a hat, shower slides, a cell phone and bolt cutters behind.


2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway. Criminal Mischief. The victim advised that one of his tires was punctured intentionally. The victim did not see anyone damage his tire, but he had confronted two young females, who parked in a handicapped parking space and tried to get them to move. The females cursed at him and refused to move. When he later returned to his vehicle, he saw that a tire had been cut.


2200 block of North Park Road. Theft. A unknown black male, about 50 years old, wearing a blue-and-white-striped shirt and denim shorts, took BC Powder, condoms, Benadryl and a case of water. The total value of the items was $172. The suspect fled in a green Pontiac Sunfire with a temporary tag.


100 block of North Gordon Street. Armed Robbery. The victim stated she was in the store with her husband and daughter. When they exited the store, she noticed a black male was sitting on a children’s pony ride. The male was wearing a large red sweatshirt-style jacket, a hat that resembled a teddy bear and white pants with a black vertical stripe. He had a lighter complexion, was about 5-foot-9 to 6 feet tall and thin. The victim and her family got into the car to leave, when the black male approached the driver’s side window and motioned for the victim to roll the window down. The victim said she opened the window about halfway and the male initially just asked her what the time was. The male then asked if she would give him a ride, and she replied, “No.” The male produced a knife, reached into the window and grabbed the victim’s purse. The victim said she tried to hold onto the purse but the handle broke. The male took off running southbound across the tracks on Gordon Street. The victim drove home, because she was frightened, before returning to the store to report the robbery. The suspect was not located.


4100 block of Kipling Avenue. Robbery by Sudden Snatching. The victim stated she was helping her mother carry stuff to her vehicle in preparation for work. The victim was carrying her mother’s purse as she approached the car. The victim said two males approached her. One of the males snatched the purse from her hands, and the other took the key she had just placed in the door lock. The males then fled the scene. The victim said one male was on foot, and the other was on a bike. An abandoned bicycle was found nearby, but the suspects were not located.

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