This week on Cops Corner: Plant City Police investigated a ghost burglary, a grass fire, a cut tire and much more.
Jan. 24
Haunted heist
4400 block of
Country Hills Boulevard
Residential burglary: Officers responded to the above listed location — which is a vacant home — in reference to a burglary.
Disappointing Smokey
1800 block of
James L. Redman Parkway
Brush fire: Officers responded to the location in reference to a grass fire in the field south of the parking lot of Tractor Supply.
Jan. 25
Killing tires, killing time
1500 block of East Baker Street
Criminal mischief: Officers responded to the Dollar General in reference to a victim’s tire being cut. According to witnesses at the scene, a male child was waiting in the parking lot in a car for his family. Officers were told he then got out of the car and walked over to the victim’s GMC Sierra truck and proceeded to cut the truck’s tire, causing damage. The child was identified and admitted to causing the damage. The victim signed a waiver of prosecution.
Jan. 26
Oh meth-y life
Walden Woods Drive/
Chamdon Place
Warrant/Possession of meth: Officers made contact with a man during a traffic stop and found he had two active HCSO warrants. One was for Violation of Parole DUI Alcohol with property damage and injury. The other was an FTA battery domestic violence. He was also found to be in possession of meth.
Jan. 27
Window wreckage
200 block of Park Springs Circle
Burglary residence, criminal mischief and petit theft: This victim reported that an unknown suspect entered her apartment by force through a bedroom window between 6:30 and 8 p.m. In the process, they damaged the screen and took the victim’s laptop, which was valued at $400.
Jan. 29
Back to school
2200 block of
North Warnell Street
Vehicle burglary: Overnight, an unknown suspect entered an unlocked green Saturn Vue SUV and stole an HP laptop computer, camping supplies and a calculator. The stolen goods were valued together at approximately $400.
An unsettling discovery
1900 block of Tangerine Court
Warrant arrest: Officers made contact with a juvenile during another case and discovered that he had outstanding Polk County warrants for attempted homicide. The juvenile was arrested. A Polk County detective was notified and responded to conduct an interview.
1700 block of Cedar Drive
Burglary with battery/waiver: Officers made contact with a victim who advised a man came into his house and struck him with a baseball bat, causing minor abrasions. The man in question admitted to the crime, but the victim declined to press charges and signed a waiver.
Jan. 30
Rifling for a rifle
2200 block of Village Park Road
Vehicle burglary: Officers made contact with a victim who advised that sometime between Sunday Jan. 26 and 30, an unknown suspect broke the rear side windows on his 1997 Ford Ranger truck and stole a Winchester rifle.