This week on Cops Corner: Plant City Police investigated stolen bicycles, a driver sleeping in a ditch, road rage, missing guns, stolen crossbows, a paintball hitman and more.
Oct. 25
armed and fabulous
600 block of Carolina Avenue
Theft: This complainant told officers that on an unknown date at an unknown time, someone took a gold ring with a green emerald setting surrounded by diamonds, a S&W .38 revolver and two other unknown make and model handguns from a residence.
coin collector
1500 block of
North Bracewell Drive
Vehicle burglary: This victim reported that between 11:30 p.m. on Oct. 24 and 8 a.m. on Oct. 25, someone entered their unlocked vehicle and removed approximately $20 in coins from the center console of the victim’s vehicle.
That doesn’t check out
1600 block of Maki Road
Fraud: This complainant told officers he had applied for a loan through an Internet site, E-Loan, and was sent fraudulent checks in the amount of $1,500. He deposited them and it caused his account to be overdrawn.
Oct. 26
Bicycle races are
coming your way
1800 block of East Ohio Street
Petit theft (Waiver): During the night of Oct. 25, an unknown suspect removed two brown unknown make and model men’s cruiser-style bikes from the complainant’s front yard. The complainant requested the incident be documented in a report and signed a waiver of prosecution.
meal of champions
1400 block of Collins Street
Petit theft: An unknown man stole a beer and candy bar for a total of $2.13.
Here’s Johnny
1100 block of East Warren Street
Criminal mischief: Unknown suspects kicked in the front door of a residence, setting off the alarm inside the home.
Oct. 27
double crossed
1000 block of Sandalwood Drive
Felony theft: This complainant reported that between 11 p.m. Oct. 26 and 11 a.m. Oct. 27, someone entered his garage and removed a camouflaged center point crossbow with a collapsible stock and a camouflaged Barnett White Tail Hunter Pro 2 crossbow. The crossbows’ combined value was $1,000.
Nailed it
2600 block of James L. Redman Parkway
Vehicle burglary: Two nail guns and a laser level, valued at $600, were swiped from an unlocked vehicle in the Walmart parking lot.
Oct. 28
Unusual nap
North Palmer Street/
Calhoun Street
DUI: Officers were driving by when they observed a vehicle resting in a ditch. Upon investigation, they arrested the driver for DUI.
Oct. 29
Road rage
200 block of Waller Street
Battery waiver: Officers met with a victim who told them that while riding her bicycle, she was pushed off the bike and fell to the ground. She wanted the incident documented and signed a waiver of prosecution.
Oct. 30
green means… no
Alexander Street/Baker Street
DUI Arrest: A vehicle was observed stationary at the above intersection. The driver sat through two green lights without moving forward. The driver was arrested for DUI and was transported to Orient Road Jail.
Oct. 31
Paintball hitman
1300 block of
South Collins Street
Agg. Battery: This victim was out jogging at the above listed location when he was suddenly shot with a paintball gun.
Say it loud, say it proud
1500 block of
East Alsobrook Street
Warrant arrest, resist officer: Officers responded to a suspicious person call at the above listed location. They were found with two grams of meth and 0.5 grams of heroin, and also had a warrant. They were arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail and officers said they continued cursing and yelling at the officers the entire time.
do you even vape, bro?
1900 block of
James L. Redman Parkway
Theft: Officers came out after a report that $191 worth of clothing and shoes were stolen from Baywatch Vapors.