April 23
4300 block of West Highway 574
Fraud: This complainant stated he purchased a set of tires and wheels valued together at $1,359.06 for a customer, but the customer did not pay him back for the items.
April 24
2210 block of James L. Redman Parkway
Aggravated assault, multiple charges: An officer made contact with several complainants who stated a subject attempted to run them off the road, crashed into their car and pointed a gun at them.
April 25
900 block of Loganderry Lane
Battery: Officers responded to an apartment complex in reference to a report of a physical altercation between two male subjects. They learned the two men knew each other and the affray was mutual. Both men declined police assistance, chose not to press charges and signed waivers of prosecution.
710 block of West Madison Street
Battery: Officers made contact with a complainant who stated she was struck and bitten by another woman who was known to her. She said her phone was taken during the incident. Officers made contact with the female subject, who returned the phone to the complainant. The complainant signed a waiver of prosecution.
April 26
James L. Redman Parkway/West Alexander Street
Criminal mischief: This complainant stated a male subject exited a vehicle behind him, approached his truck and hit its door. The complainant stated the male subject was angry with him for having cut him off in traffic.
3600 block of West Baker Street
Warrant: While responding to a report of a suspicious person, a male subject was found sleeping in his vehicle. He was confirmed to have an outstanding warrant out of Hillsborough County for failing to appear for a court case involving a charge of resisting an officer. He was arrested and taken to Orient Road Jail without incident.
2000 block of Spooner Drive
Fraud: This complainant told officers an unknown subject accessed his bank account several times and stole a total of $4,107.53 between making three separate transactions and withdrawing money.
3500 block of West Baker Street
Theft: This complainant stated he left a laundromat with his clothes in a dryer, then returned later to find that someone stole them all.
April 27
610 block of North Maryland Avenue
Theft: Officers met with two complainants who stated they rode their bicycles to Felton’s, where they work, and that the bicycles were stolen sometime during their shift. Officers checked the area and found both the bicycles and the thieves on Palm Drive. The bicycles were returned and the complainants signed waivers of prosecution.
April 28
220 block of West Alexander Street
Fight in progress: Officers responded to several reports of an incident near Plant City High School that turned out to be a fight in progress involving several PCHS students at the movie theater parking lot.
April 29
3500 block of West Baker Street
Theft: Officers met with a complainant about the theft of his cell phone. The complainant reviewed security camera footage and realized he knew the male subject who took it. He made contact with the subject and decided to sign a waiver of prosecution.
4500 block of Country Hills Boulevard
Battery: Two men were driving when they saw a known male subject, then stopped the car to confront him about a past situation. The subject hit one of the two men and the other jumped in for a mutual affray. All parties signed a waiver of prosecution and no injuries were observed.