Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 6.6.24

May 23

Wrong Order – Simple Battery

2100 block of N Park Rd

An officer was flagged down in reference to a disturbance at the above location. It was reported that a customer became upset during an argument over his order and threw a hamburger at the complainant, striking him in the back.

99 Bottles of Beer – Aggravated Battery

2000 block of N Wheeler St

An officer met with the complainant, who advised he was drinking with several unknown males behind a gas station. A verbal argument turned physical when the males allegedly attacked the complainant and one of them struck/slashed him on the hand with a broken beer bottle, causing a laceration. 

Nap Time – Drug Investigation

1500 block of S Alexander St

An officer checked a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot that appeared unoccupied but running with the lights on. Upon further investigation, a person was observed passed out/sleeping in the driver’s seat. They were charged with possession of a controlled substance (MDMA) and transported to Orient Road Jail. 

May 24

Breakfast On Me – Vehicle Burglary

800 block of N Wheeler St

An officer responded to the above location in reference to a vehicle burglary that had already occurred. The officer learned two vehicles were entered during the early morning hours. A wallet and purse were taken. One complainant received a notification from the bank of an unauthorized transaction at Ihop.

You Can’t Be Here – Trespassing After Arrest

600 block of N Maryland Ave

An officer made contact with a subject standing in front of the above location. A search of local records showed the subject was previously trespassed from the property, with an expiration date of 02/13/2025. The subject was arrested for Trespass after Warning and transported to the Orient Road Jail without incident. 

Boots Were Made For Walking – Uttering Forged Instrument

100 block of W Baker St

An officer responded to the above location in reference to an in-progress fraud incident. Upon arrival, an unknown person, who later identified himself as someone he wasn’t, walked out and headed off the property. The officer advised him to stop and talk to him as he was not free to leave, but he kept walking. Once cornered, he gave his correct name and date of birth. It was discovered that he wrote a fraudulent check for the amount of $2,420, and presented a fraudulent driver’s license. He was transported to Orient Road Jail. 

Unclean – Criminal Mischief

3000 block of W Reynolds St

An officer responded to the above location in reference to an alarm call and found a storage room damaged. The damage appeared new, but it was unconfirmed, as no representative was able to respond. 

May 25

No License for You – DWLS 

An officer conducted a traffic stop and the driver was found to have a suspended license. An NCIC/FCIC search revealed the driver had three prior convictions of Driving While License Suspended, Revoked, or Canceled. The driver was transported to Orient Road Jail.

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