June 21
Tag gone it – Stolen tag
1200 block of Goldfinch Dr
An officer responded to the above location and met with the complainant in reference to a stolen license plate. The complainant advised the tag had been missing between May 13 and June 21. An FCIC entry form was submitted for a stolen license plate.
Shop and Sprint – Shoplifting
2600 block of James L Redman Pkwy
An officer responded to the above location where two subjects bagged multiple items at the self-checkout counter without scanning them and exited the store, passing the last point of sale without offering payment for the items valued at $615.35. Both were determined to be eligible for APAD and released on scene.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over – DUI
S. Alexander St/W Grant St
An officer arrested the subject for suspected DUI after a failed Field Sobriety Test was conducted resulting from a separate DUI investigation from a traffic crash investigation. The subject was charged with DUI with property damage and released to the custody of HCSO detention deputies.
June 22
You Can’t Be Here – Trespass after Arrest
400 block of N Alexander St.
An officer made contact with a subject at the above location. An FCIC, NCIC and CAD check was conducted which was negative for wants and warrants but had been previously trespassed from the location until 2025. The subject was placed under arrest and transported to Orient Road Jail.
Drive-In – Leaving Scene of Accident/Property Damage
1100 block of N Gordon St
Officers responded to an accident in which a vehicle had driven completely into an occupied residence. The driver was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident with property damage and transported to Orient Road Jail.
June 23
Where’s The Beef? – Delayed Burglary
4300 block of Commerce Dr
An officer responded to the above location and learned someone had entered the building overnight and removed approximately $1,400 from the safe.
Do Not Enter – Criminal Mischief
1400 block of Strawberry Pl
An officer met with the complainant who advised that there was damage to the apartment door and it appeared someone had tried to gain entry.
Not Compressed – Delayed Burglary
900 block of W Reynolds St
An officer responded to the above location in reference to a delayed vehicle burglary. Contact was made with the complainant who stated an air compressor valued at $1,900 was taken from the bed of the vehicle the previous night.
June 24
Line ‘em Up – Vehicle Burglary
1100 block of E Baker St
Officers met with the complainant who reported several work vehicles were broken into between June 21 and June 24. Multiple hand tools and a generator were taken.
Bye-Bye Cycle – Resist w/o Violence
800 block of Valencia Rd
Officers observed two subjects pass by their location committing several bicycle infractions. Upon attempting to stop them, the subjects fled and were apprehended at the residence. The subjects were arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail without incident.
Rollin, Rollin, Rollin – Petit Theft
400 block of Eunice Ave
An officer responded to the above location and met with the complainant who reported between 9:00 p.m. last night and 9:00 a.m. this morning, an unknown suspect stole two bicycle tires valued at $90.
June 26
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over – DUI
1700 block of Walden Village Ct
An officer conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle after it was observed swerving between lanes. Upon contact with the driver signs of impairment were evident. A DUI investigation was conducted and the driver was arrested.
We Want You – Warrant Arrest
1100 block of S Tyler St
An officer responded to the above location in reference to a report of a subject with a warrant. Once on scene, the officer made contact with the subject who was positively identified and shown to have a warrant out of Polk County.
No, No – Drug Arrest
Airport Rd/S Alexander St
An officer arrested the subject for Trafficking in Methamphetamine (15 grams) and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia as a result of conducting traffic enforcement. The subject was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail.
June 27
You Again? – Trespassing After Arrest
600 block of Whitehurst Rd
An officer conducted a check of the above location in regards to recent homeless complaints. During the check, the officer located a subject sleeping on the property. A local records check revealed the subject had previously been trespassed from the property. The subject was arrested for trespass after warning and transported to Orient Road Jail.
Night, Night – Drug Investigation
Gilchrist Park
An officer responded to the above location in reference to a suspicious person call. Contact was made with the subject who was passed out on the bathroom floor. The subject was arrested and taken to Orient Road Jail.