Plant City Observer

Cops Corner 8.2.18

July 21

Speedy heist

2600 block of James L. Redman Pkwy.

Shoplifting: This suspect concealed $118 worth of merchandise and exited a store without purchasing the items. When he was arrested they found he also was in possession of methamphetamine. He was transported to Orient Road Jail. 


July 22

Hide and go seek

1800 block of W. Palmetto Ave.

Trespass after warning: Officers came to the residence in question and the complainant said a woman had been trespassed on the property. When officers began to search the residence they found the trespasser hiding in a closet. She was arrested and transported to Orient Road Jail. 


July 23

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Jetting into summer

3200 block of Sunset Oaks Dr.

Grand theft: The victim told officers his Bombardier Jet Ski, a Yamaha Jet Ski and an aluminum dual Jet Si trailer were stolen over the weekend. 


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Hidden in plain sight

2100 block of James L. Redman Pkwy.

Theft petit: A man walked out of Bealls Department Store with three Guy Harvey t-shirts draped over his shoulder. He did not pay for his new summer apparel. 


July 24

Instructions, please

1100 block of W. Greenfield Ave.

Vehicle burglary: Officers came to the residence and the victim said someone broke into his unlocked Kia Sedona van. All they took was the vehicle’s owner manual, which was valued at $10.


Benjamin’s pizza

1700 block of James L. Redman Pkwy.

Counterfeit bill: An employee of Nicks Pizza went to Plantation Grove to deliver a pizza. The resident who ordered the pizza attempted to pay with a $100 bill that was labeled as a replica. The employee was not fooled and returned to his business with both the counterfeit bill and the pizza. 

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July 26

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Oxygen thief 

E St.

Vehicle burglary: Someone entered the complainant’s car and took his book bag, which was valued at $5. The back also contained his oxygen tank, which was valued at $100. 




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