WinDi Sanchez’s leopard gecko, Haku, is this month’s winner of our Cutest Critter Contest.
“Haku is the cutest critter because she is always winking, smiling and posing, as if she wants her picture taken,” Sanchez says. “Of all my pets, she is, by far, the most photogenic.”
Turkey Creek Animal Hospital and Animal Wellness Center have partnered to present a monthly Cutest Critter Contest. Entering is simple: Just submit a high-resolution photo (200 dpi or better) and a sentence or two about why your pet is the cutest. Include your name and contact information. Photos will be showcased in the Plant City Times & Observer.
Submit your entries to Executive Editor Michael Eng, meng@plantcityobserver.com; subject line: Cutest Critter Contest. Good luck!