Devin Blunt, a senior at Strawberry Crest High School, is this week's Athlete of the Week.
Devin Blunt is a Strawberry Crest High School senior, who regularly plays both sides of the ball, all while holding down a part-time job and maintaining good grades in a rigorous IB program.
How long have you been playing football and what got you into it?
I’ve been playing football since I was 5 years old. My dad was a really big influence on me playing football. He took me to games, and we’d also sit on the couch and watch games together and bond over football and it really gave me a love for the game.
I was really impressed with you playing on offense and defense last night. How did you get into starting for two different positions?
I strive to be the best on and off the field. A big part of growing as an athlete is being able to adapt and playing the position that’s best for your team. I also love playing both ways because I feel more into every aspect of the game, because not only do I get the excitement of rushing for huge touchdowns, but I also get the excitement of making a crucial stop, big hit, or interceptions.
Are you planning on playing football in college? If so, do you plan on still playing both positions or one you just play one?
I do plan on and would love to play at the next level. If I do play in college, I will play whatever position my coach thinks is best for the team. If I play on one side or both sides of the ball, I will give it 100%. With the goal to make as many plays on that one side or both sides of the ball to contribute to my team’s success.
Who’s your favorite running back and cornerback? Could be a current CFB, NFL, or former player!
Jamaal Williams is my favorite NFL running back. He is a great RB and downhill runner, especially in the red zone. He also has a great personality because he brings excitement into the game, and he is also funny with a great sense of humor. I feel like I could relate to him as well.
My favorite CB is Deion Sanders, not only does he have great skills but he was consistent while playing in the NFL as a two way player and now as a coach after the NFL. I love the fire that he played each game with and now accomplishing as a coach motivating athletes to do the same. Watching both of them is a true inspiration.
If someone wanted to play football for the first time, what advice would you give?
If anyone wants to play football, they should be ready to give it everything they got. Learn from their mistakes and keep growing on and off the field. Also be willing to sacrifice and put in extra time and do things that others won’t do in order to accomplish what other players can’t.