Plant City Observer

Doctor’s Note: “Healthy Ears Throughout the Years”

Keep your ears healthy by taking precautions against harmfully loud noises. You don’t have to sacrifice the exciting and noisy experiences of life, but if you expect your ears to cooperate for years to come, be considerate. Wear earplugs during loud concerts, around powerful machinery and during other loud events. Turn the volume down on your TV, music, and phone. Do not poke around in your sensitive ears with any sort of tool–yes, even cotton swabs are prohibited. Take the necessary actions to preserve your hearing for as long as possible.

How loud is too loud? Let’s consider the sound ranges you experience each day. The lowest and most comfortable sound range extends from 0 decibels to about 60 decibels. Examples of this sound range are soft whispers, normal talking, the hum of the air conditioner or refrigerator.

Your ears are happy at this minimal level of noise and you don’t risk damaging your hearing. A very loud range extends from about 60 decibels to 100 decibels. This range includes the sounds of vacuum cleaners, blenders, hairdryers and motorcycles. At this level, your ears are asking for some consideration.

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Be conscious of how often you surround yourself with this level of noise to avoid further damage to your ears. Finally, we have the painful range of daily noise. This range extends from about 100 decibels to 140 decibels. Sounds such as chainsaws, jets taking off, a gun firing, and even a rock concert emit this detrimental level of sound. In this range, your ears are begging you for some protection, like earplugs.

When is it time to consider a hearing aid? Do you find yourself continuously asking people to repeat words or phrases, even though they feel they are speaking loud enough? Do you experience difficulty hearing what is being said unless you are directly facing the speaker? Do you hear people, but cannot necessarily understand what they are saying? Do you prefer the TV louder than others?

If you experience one or more of these struggles, it is time to stop letting sounds pass you by. Consider scheduling an appointment with Florida E.N.T. & Allergy today to find out how a hearing aid could drastically improve your quality of life. 

Florida E.N.T. & Allergy is here for you. The Doctors of Audiology at Florida E.N.T. & Allergy specialize in the prevention, identification and management of hearing loss. They work in conjunction with ENT physicians to discuss potential causes and treatment options.

Having a Physician – Audiologist partnership allows you to have the utmost comfort and confidence that Florida E.N.T. & Allergy has your best interest at heart, the knowledge to address your concerns, and the best treatment for your hearing needs.

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Please call (813) 879-8045 to schedule an appointment, or visit Florida E.N.T. & Allergy online at 

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