At the district meeting in November, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America awarded George Domedion District Elk of the Year. Nominations can come from anywhere in the district, and are submitted with a letter, and a case for why an Elk should be selected. Nominees are unaware their name has been thrown in the hat. The district leadership team reviews the letters, then picks the person they think deserves the honor. “I didn’t know it was coming,” Domedion said.
Since 1868, the Elks has taken care of children and helped meet the needs of veterans in their communities. There are 14 Elks districts in Florida. The organization’s motto is “Elks care. Elks Share” and it is a 501(c)8, nonprofit organization. The district that includes Plant City stretches from Lakeland to Lake Placid. Its six lodges connect 3,400 members. Elks Lodge 1727 in Plant City boasts 300 members. Domedion joined the Elks nine years ago for the social aspect of the organization. “But I soon found out there was more to the Elks, and that giving back to the community is the important part of being and Elk,” he said. “Once people get in and start seeing what the Elks do, then they get it, and they start becoming members of committees, and helping, and volunteering with the projects we do. It truly is a good organization.”
The nomination letter made the case for Domedion based on the many good works he has done. Among them, he has taken the role of chairman of the District Hoop Shoot and Soccer Shoot. In three years, he has grown the Hoop Shoot from one participating lodge to five lodges, and from eight children to 150. He also he coordinates an Elks initiative that feeds a home-cooked meal every Friday to a group of 30 foster children. In addition, through Domedion’s oversight, The Elks provided Plant City Fire Rescue emergency shut-off plugs for EVs, and gave 2,000 new books to the Bruton Memorial Library. “He works hard at it,” current Elks Veterans’ Chair, and Exalted Ruler, Judy Wise commented.
Domedion is also Vice President of the Board of Directors of Berryfine Productions, which produces the 90-float Florida Strawberry Grand Parade. He is the past First Vice President of the Plant City Lions Club that puts on the Florida Strawberry Festival Queen’s Scholarship Pageant. He is also Vice President of the Board of Directors for the Crowning Leaders Foundation that hosts the Miss Lakeland, Miss Swan City, and Miss Polk County Scholarship Pageants. These are the precursors to the Miss Florida Scholarship Pageant.
Last year, Domedion served as the Exalted Ruler of the Plant City Lodge—in this role he spent 40 hours per week volunteering. The Elks in Plant City puts on fundraising events such as a wild game cookout event, and sets up a drive-through chicken dinner. For Thanksgiving the organization will fry and sell 400 turkeys. All of the money brought in through the fundraisers goes to the community. Using an $8,000 dollar grant, Elks members hands-on built a playground for the Boys & Girls Club in Plant City. The Elks also hosts an annual Veterans Day luncheon that includes speakers and ceremonies. “As long as there is a veteran, we will always take care of him or her,” Domedion said.
At the state convention in Orlando, the Elk of the Year from each of the districts will be recognized. “I could not have done it without, my wife, Gail,” Domedion said.
To begin the process of joining Elks Lodge 1727 in Plant City, information can be found at https://www.elks.org/lodges/home.cfm?LodgeNumber=1727, or by calling (813) 752-2822.