Plant City Observer

Famous playwrights visit Plant City

Jessie Jones, Nick Hope and Jamie Wooten, the playwrights who make up Jones Hope Wooten Comedies, are no strangers to the stage. The group has written 16 plays since they first formed 10 years ago, and about three million people have seen their shows performed across the United States — including in Plant City. 

On Thursday, Dec. 15, the trio toured Plant City Entertainment Inc. The community theater will be putting on “Rex’s Exes” in January. It is the playwrights’ sequel to the “Red Velvet Cake War,” which Plant City Entertainment also produced. 

Like many of their other comedies, “Rex’s Exes” centers around a charming Texas town, which features small-town characters with big personalities. It’s the perfect production for the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World. 

The show, directed by Kay Secord, is set to debut at Plant City Entertainment in late January. The playwrights make an effort to visit many of the theaters across the U.S. that perform their shows. 

Plant City Entertainment will put on “Rex’s Exes” in January and February.

“We are big supporters of community theater because this is where we started out,” Jones said. “We thank (Plant City Entertainment) so much for producing our shows. Community theater helps keep American culture alive.” 


Now based in Washington, D.C., the playwrights moved from New York City six months ago. Over the last decade, the trio has come to be known as America’s playwrights, although their shows have also been performed around the globe. Besides productions in the U.S., shows by Jones Hope Wooten Comedies have been produced in England, Taiwan, Mexico, Germany, Japan and elsewhere. 

But they weren’t always focused on writing. Jones was acting in Hollywood when she noticed that many of the roles she was playing for women over 50 lacked depth. When she questioned a director about it, she was told that people over 50 have no stories to tell. 

Since leaving Hollywood and teaming up with Hope and Wooten, Jones has proved the directors otherwise with the trio’s beloved Southern characters. The playwrights make sure that every character in their comedies has their own moment on stage. 

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“They have to be incredibly flawed,” Wooten said. “It helps if they are self-deprecating.” 

All three of the playwrights come from small towns and have noticed through their travels that many of a town’s popular — but somewhat loopy — characters are staples in small towns across America. 

Plant City Entertainment will produce “Rex’s Exes” in January and February. 

Contact Emily Topper at 


Jones Hope Wooten Comedies has written 16 plays, including “Dixie Swim Club,” “Dearly Beloved,” “Texas Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens” and “Funny Little Thing Called Love.” 


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What: Rex’s Exes: A Jones Hope Wooten Comedy, directed by Kay Secord 

When: Friday, Jan. 29, to Sunday, Jan. 31; and Friday, Feb. 5, to Sunday, Feb. 7

Where: Plant City Entertainment Inc., 101 N. Thomas St. 

Info: Tickets will be on sale at Hardee’s Fashions, 1501 N. Wheeler St.


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