Plant City Observer

Fitlife Foods to expand into P.C.

Fitlife Foods, a line of prepared health foods, has announced that it will expand its operations into Central Florida Development’s new spec building along County Line Road.

This location is expected to offer more than 100 jobs, and several million dollars in capital investment in eastern Hillsborough County in the next two years.

David Osterweil, CEO of Fitlife Foods, which was founded in Tampa, said the Plant City location will be good because of its centrality within the state and availability of prospective local employees.

“Hopefully, every month we can announce a new company and say they’re bringing new jobs, new investments to our community,” Mayor Rick Lott said.

Employment opportunities at Fitlife Foods will be posted at

Future development

Commissioners approved Monday, the rezoning of a 30.61-acre parcel at the northeast corner of Alexander Street and Franklin Street.

The property was previously zoned as R-1A (single-family dwelling district). But the Moody family, who own the land, wanted to market it differently.

The zoning is now PD (planned development district). There are 350,000 square feet available for commercial development.

“It allows a lot of flexiblility, as far as the uses go,” Phillip Scearce, director of planning and zoning, said.

There are some wetlands on the property, but they will be left intact for natural preservation.

“The wetlands to the north act as a barricade, buffer, to the residents along Monroe Street,” Scearce said.

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At this time, no specific developers have expressed interest in the property. It could eventually be developed as a whole, or gradually in parts.

Because the parcel’s future use is uncertain, the transportation impacts are unknown. The city will do a transportation analysis for any proposed projects on the site.

In Other News

• Commissioners approved a cooperative funding grant agreement with Southwest Florida Water Management District for a seasonal storage feasibility study for reclaimed water in Plant City. They also authorized a work order with Chastain Skillman for this study.

• A mutual aid agreement with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office for investigative matters and emergencies was renewed.

• An agreement with the School Board of Hillsborough County approved the continued use of the Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center for the Alternative to Our of School Suspension program. This program has operated at the rec center since 2002.

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