Marian Kingry took home the best of show award.
The winners of the Florida Strawberry Festival's photography contest were announced Thursday, March 3. The winning photographs were on display all 11 days of the festival, from Thursday, March 3, to Sunday, March 13. The photographs were displayed in the Milton E. Hull Armory building on the festival grounds.
First: Marissa Benn
Second: Seth Poppell
Third: Cheryl Price
Fourth: Amy Parrett
Fifth: Suzanne Austin-Hill
Black and White
First: Michael Martin
Second: Robyn Carter
Third: Samantha Shannon
Fourth: Jeff Elmhurst
Fifth: Cheryl Price
First: Mays Merckle
Second: Deborah Moore
Third: Brenda Owens
Fourth: Matt Shivers
Fifth: Brittney Gambrell
First: Kevin Pyfrom
Second: Tammie Harris
Third: Michael Martin
Fourth: Rayvon Hartzog
Fifth: Angela Otero
First: Christina Grosser
Second: Jeff Elmhurst
Third: Carl Molsani
Fourth: Kristine Reelfs
Fifth: Kevin Pyfrom
First: Joni Braswell
Second: Courtney Hall
Third: Kathleen Thomas
Fourth: Tricia Glotfelty
Fifth: Cheryl Price
First: Brandi Shivers
Second: Mary Hooker
Third: Angela Otero
Fourth: Robyn Baker
Fifth: Julia Marsh
Youth (5-13)
First: Austin Holcomb
Second: Brennen Osterberger
Third: Ed Kelsey
Fourth: Rebecca Holcomb
Fifth: Will Bennett
Youth (14-18)
First: Ginger Haggbloom
Second: Ginger Haggbloom
Third: Amanda Laferriere
Fourth: Alexis Walton
Fifth: Alana Kicklighter
Contact Emily Topper at etopper@plantcityobserver.com.