Plant City Observer

Focus on Fitness: How to train smarter

One of the biggest fitness myths is that you need to work out for hours a day to make progress. But you can get the most out of your time in the wellness center by training smarter. In just 30 minutes, you can get a great workout in if you use your time wisely.

For example: if you choose a heavy leg day for the week, try to shorten your recovery time between sets.

Supersets are also a great option to maximize your time. A superset is when you train the same muscle group using two different exercises, done back-to-back. This introduces the muscle group to a longer set and incorporates change as well. The idea is to burn out the muscle group and increase your heart rate to a fat-burning zone.

Another way to maximize your time is by completing a circuit of exercises. Typically, circuit training is a full-body workout that includes both strength training and cardio mixed together. It not only increases endurance, but tones your body at the same time. Again, there is very little rest time between exercises. It can be any type of weighted exercises (as many as you can do) in around one minute, followed by any type of cardio for around three minutes. If you’re new to working out, using very light weights and doing cardio for a shorter time would be a great place to start.

HIIT (high intensity interval training) is one of the most effective methods of training. It doesn’t take much time to get done, but you’ll have to get ready to work hard. HIIT is performed in short, timed intervals, followed by a short rest. This type of training can get you into great shape very quickly.

Tabata training is an example of H.I.I.T., as the timing is done in 20-to-10 intervals. Eight rounds of 20-to-10 equals four minutes, which equals one Tabata. Try it at home or the gym with the jump squats and see how many Tabatas you can do.

Multi-joint exercises will also make the heart rate soar in a short amount of time. Using several joints at once means using several muscle groups all at one time. Not only do these exercises burn tons of calories by increasing the heart rate, but they also increase strength and muscle size.

If you’re looking to save some time and get an effective workout, one of these types of training just might surprise you. Just adding in 30 minutes one day a week can give your body a change-up from its regular routine. Or, you can add on a quick, 10-minute version of any of these exercises at the end of your regular workouts. We also offer group classes at the Plant City Family YMCA with this training (Circuit training, GRIT and more). Learn to effectively manage your time by training harder and smarter, because small changes yield great results.

Heather Dykstra is an AFAA-certified personal trainer and has been a group fitness instructor for over 13 years. She is currently involved with the Plant City Family YMCA.



Example: one set of squats followed by one set of lunges, then take a short rest and repeat the set.

Circuit Training

Example: bicep curls with dumbbells for one minute, bench presses for one minute, squats for one minute, pull-ups for one minute and jumping jacks for three minutes, followed by rest. Repeat.


Example: forty seconds of jump squats, followed by a 20-second rest. From there, you can repeat the set a few times or move on to the next exercise.


Example: squat/press. Hold a dumbbell or plate in front of your chest and squat down. As you rise back up into standing position, push the weight overhead. As you squat into the second rep, lower the weight back to the chest again.

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