Plant City Observer

Focus on Fitness: Lower weight and cholesterol levels naturally

Exercise is a natural way to help manage weight and cholesterol levels. However, additional lifestyle choices play key roles as well, especially for women. Here are some simple tips to consider.

Cut the artificials

If you want to lose weight, according to internationally-known integrative practitioner Dr. Andrew Weil, a good place to start is by avoiding artificial sweeteners and synthetic fat substitutes. Research shows that artificial sweeteners do not promote weight loss, but that they are more likely to promote weight gain. Dr. Weil encourages the use of small amounts of natural sugar as a better choice. Sugar has just 15 calories per teaspoon, but one should still use it in moderation.

Non-traditional methods

The myth that women naturally put on weight as the birthdays go by seems to be observationally true. Science has long known that this weight gain is actually the result of glycemic stress and cellular inflammation. To combat the glycemic stress, increase low glycemic food selection in your daily diet. A food chart showing glycemic levels for most foods is available online in Harvard Medical School’s Harvard Health Publications.

Research at the University of Boston links meditation with a reduction of cellular inflammation. A daily,  meditation session, coupled with better food choices, lets the female body reset this cycle of glycemic stress and cellular inflammation. That sounds like a simple New Year’s Resolution to me.

Supplements for healthy cholesterol levels

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, has many metabolic roles. Mainly, it lowers harmful (LDL) cholesterol while raising the “good” (HDL) cholesterol. Dr. Weil says B3 can also reduce the risk of heart disease, treating or preventing atherosclerosis, second heart attacks, Alzheimer’s disease and osteoarthritis.

Bergamot is another natural supplement with proven cholesterol-lowering results. A six-week clinical trial published by the International Journal of Cardiology showed a reduction in patients’ total cholesterol, dropping from 278 to 191. Study participants used 1,000 milligrams of Bergamot BPF by OrthoMolecular Products.

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Bergamot is the natural herb product used to flavor Earl Grey tea blends. It has been used for centuries in Italy to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. According to the same study, Bergamot also helps maintain balanced triglyceride levels.

Jennifer E. Closshey, Ph.D., is a doctor of integrative health based out of Plant City. Contact her at

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