The benefits of running go far beyond what it can do for your physical health.
In 2010, back when I was logging a lot more miles, my father asked me to run his first 5K with him. Though he ran cross country in high school, I can’t remember ever seeing him run anywhere while I was growing up. Since then, he had retired from his job, lost weight spending every morning in the gym and had a new interest: running.
That year, we ran the Gasparilla 5K together. We ran the 15K the following year and we have run that race together ever since. I don’t know what it was about that first race that made him want to continue. Maybe it was the buzz at the start line, being surrounded by thousands of people of different shapes and sizes who came together for that same purpose. It could have been the residents that lined the streets with signs to cheer on the runners, the view of the bay or the challenge of beating his time — that made the race the first of many.
I still enjoy running, mainly to clear my head, but it is so much more for him. Last year, he ran 48 races. This year, he will run his first half-marathon at 71 years old. He has even taken home a few first place medals, all with the support of his run club and his family.
Running has so many health benefits, like weight loss and stress relief. It also strengthens muscles, bones and improves cardiovascular health. More than that, it brings people together.
Most runners will tell you they run because they enjoy it and the health benefits are a bonus. When you find something you enjoy, you want to tell others about it and encourage them to join you. Training with other runners makes it feel like a team sport. Group runs are a great way to bond with other runners, whether your group includes your spouse, children, friends or neighbors. It also encourages you to give more effort since there is always someone who is faster or more experienced. I ran my fastest 5K trying to keep up with my son. He was waiting for me at the finish line.
Running clubs welcome new runners and it is nearly impossible not to learn from each other. Running with a group keeps you motivated, holds you accountable and is more fun. It is easier to get out of bed for that early morning run when you know someone is counting on you.
Ten years after that first race with my father, our family still enjoys running together. My three kids, my niece and nephews, my brother, my mother, my father and I have run for leukemia, for cupcakes, for women, for cancer, beer and chocolate. We have run on Mother’s Day, on Thanksgiving, in the heat, in the rain, on the beach and over bridges. We’ve run fast and slow, but most importantly, we run for fun and we do it together.
If you and your loved ones are looking for an upcoming run to participate in, the Tampa YMCA’s 5th Annual Goody Goody Turkey Gobble is held every Thanksgiving. It’s a great way to give back while burning calories and spending quality time with others.
All proceeds raised from the Goody Goody Turkey Gobble 5K, 8K and 1-Mile Run/Walk will support LIVESTRONG at the YMCA to help cancer survivors heal. The family-friendly event starts at 7 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 28, in front of Amalie Arena. As title sponsor, Goody Goody restaurant is graciously providing free breakfast to all participants. Join me and register today at runsignup.com. Happy trotting!
Angela Fulgieri is a Program Director for the Tampa Metropolitan YMCA. Write her at observerfitness@ gmail.com.