Jumping in the pool can take your exercise routines to the next level.
If you haven’t tried water aerobics yet, why not? Water exercise provides so many benefits for all ages and abilities.
It is a great supplement to land training. Training in water produces less inflammation and leads to less muscle soreness and damage. Water exercise also facilitates post-workout recovery. As a regular part of a training program, it leads to less overuse injuries, which makes it a great supplement to speed and sports training for athletes. On its own, water aerobics increases strength and flexibility and is a great cardiovascular workout.
At the Plant City Family YMCA, our instructors have more than 30 combined years of experience and the participants love the results they see from our classes. They also enjoy the camaraderie they get from working out in a group setting and being outdoors.
Last week, I spoke with some of the participants in Lisa Kolakowski’s Deep Water class and asked for their thoughts. Many said getting in the pool has made a world of difference for their health and well-being. Note: some of the women interviewed requested to be identified by first name only.
Meredith started doing water aerobics after a knee replacement surgery and said it has helped with the recovery process. Betty Denton has been a member of the Plant City Family YMCA since 2004 and has been doing water aerobics the whole time. She has had a double knee replacement and it’s the only exercise she can do. It has helped her lose 155 pounds. She participates in deep and shallow water classes three to five times per week.
Cynthia had the most to say about how much water classes at the YMCA have benefited her. In 2008, her doctor told her she could either go on medication with pages of side effects, or get in the pool to help with her rheumatoid arthritis. She could barely get up out of a chair when she started, but saw results almost instantly. After her first week, Cynthia was able to get in and out of the pool using the ladder. It helped increase her core strength because you can move in so many different directions underwater.
The Plant City Family YMCA offers water aerobics Tuesday through Saturday year-round.
Not a member? No worries. A guest pass will get you in to try out a class for yourself.
Angela Fulgieri is the Wellness Experience Director at the Plant City YMCA. Contact her at observerfitness@gmail.com.