A local mother wants to teach her children how to give back through the bake sale.
Plant City resident Jennifer Facenda and her family will be having a bake sale in support of Cookies for Kids’ Cancer, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to funding the development of less toxic, more effective treatments for children battling cancer.
The bake sale will be at 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, at the Strawberry Classic Car Show in Historic Downtown.
Facenda is a mother of four children who wants to encourage her family to get involved in a charitable event in the spirit of Thanksgiving.
"Life is so unbelievably busy between sporting events, school functions and the endless to-do list around the house," Facenda wrote. "It is so easy to take so much for granted, especially my children’s’ health."
Donations can be made online to the fundraising page on the Cookies for Kids’ Cancer website: cookiesforkidscancer.org/Fundraiser/Classic.