The church held a free cookout in its parking lot on Tuesday.
Like many people in Hillsborough County, Calvin Callins woke up Tuesday morning without power or water. But Greater New Hope Anointed Ministries’s pastor wasted no time making sure others in the Plant City community got help when they needed it.
All it took was an 8 a.m. phone call from Plant City High School girls basketball coach Danny McIntyre, who wanted the church and the Plant City Family YMCA to team up to help people.
“It was a spur of the moment,” Callins said. “I actually came down here at 8 o’clock this morning … one phone call, one (Facebook) post and the city has come together quick.”

By 11 a.m., the church had grills and smokers fired up in the parking lot and tables set up indoors for hungry Plant Citians to fill up and cool down without spending a dime.
“I called it an ‘outdoor kitchen,’” McIntyre said. “If (people) need to come warm something up, we’ve got cookers for them. Gas tanks, let them warm up their food. If they just want a hot dog or hamburger, or we’ve been donated sausage and ribs, come and eat.”
Beyond all the hot dogs and hamburgers, the church allowed people to hang out inside and make use of its air conditioning, television and electricity.
The Plant City Y helped with the cookout and also promoted use of its nearby facilities, offering the community a place to cool down and shower.
Much of the food Greater New Hope’s that day was donated by Winn-Dixie and the church used some of its own food, as well. The church also took to social media to solicit donations from the community. Some people pulled up in the parking lot to drop off water, chips and other items.
“It’s fellowship,” McIntyre said. “We all get through this thing together.”