Plant City Observer

Hillsborough County Commission District 4: Janet Dougherty (REP)

As the Aug. 26 primary election draws closer, the Plant City Times & Observer will be publishing profiles and Q&As from each of the candidates who will represent Plant City and its constituents.

In this edition, we introduce the candidates for Hillsborough County Commission District 4.

District 4 candidates include Republicans Rick Cochran, Janet Dougherty and Stacy White. 


Age: 52

Family: Seven brothers and sisters; daughter, Hollis; grandson, Killian

Hometown: Hillsborough County

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Education: Bachelor’s in public administration

Experience: Owner of a regulatory compliance company and a bio-fertlizer company, with projects in phosphate, water, transportation, zoning, recycling organics, maritime and environmental policy. Ran for county commission in 1984; youngest delegate to the Ronald Reagan convention in 1984; appointed by Gov. Jeb Bush to three service boards for two terms: Southwest Florida Water Management District Governing Board, Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council and the Tampa Bay Estuary Program Policy Board)

Favorite author and book: “A Land Remembered,” Patrick Smith

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?  Jesus Christ

What would be your top priorities if elected?

Make government more accessible to residents by holding evening meetings at different locations in District 4, the elimination of sole source contracting, increasing the frequency of contract rebidding to encourage competition and drive down costs, streamlining government, independent efficiency auditing of county government, implementing transparency initiatives and tackling our transportation and concurrency issues.

What are some of the current challenges in Hillsborough County, and what are your solutions to those problems?  

Transportation and adequate infrastructure for future growth is one of the biggest challenges facing Hillsborough County. The current Hillsborough Board of County Commissioners just recently released a plan of how to deal with the county’s transportation needs. This plan needs to be thoroughly reviewed with public input. I am still reviewing this plan to understand if it is a viable solution worth future consideration.

The other challenge for the county is the creation of jobs with livable wages. The county needs to reach out and help businesses access the resources and grants to purchase facilities and equipment to grow their companies. The county also needs to streamline burdensome and duplicative regulation.

What are some of the current challenges facing Greater Plant City, and if elected, how would you address those concerns?  

One of the biggest challenges ahead is the redevelopment of the newly acquired brownfield in the center of downtown Plant City. The county needs to assist when appropriate to help with that revitalization effort. Another challenge facing the residents of Plant City is the condition of the Walden Lake golf course. A portion of the golf course is closed, and the other portion is run down which, in turn, negatively affects a large portion of property values in Plant City. Because the property is privately owned, I am not sure how the county can assist, but I am committed personally to utilizing county resources and expertise to try and solve this problem. Finally, I think that illegal dumping on the outskirts of Plant City is rampant, and I will make sure that code enforcement is in full force to try and rectify the situation.

The county has reached out to residents through Imagine 2040 to help determine how growth should take place. How would you like to see the county grow in the next 30 years?

I would like to see the county grow with livable communities and quality of life. There are a number of quality communities currently underway in District 4, especially in the Southshore area. The county should also encourage and incentivize the rehabilitation of urban and blighted areas to make these areas attractive to new residents and business owners.

What makes you the best candidate for the commission?  

I have spent most of my professional career and volunteer activities dealing with the complex issues of planning, transportation, land use, water maritime and recycling issues. I was endorsed by all of the local newspapers, the builders, the Realtors, labor, the Tax Collector Doug Belden, Congressman Gus Bilirakis and many others.

I believe that I have the temperament, patience and interpersonal skills that are required of a county commissioner who needs to be a good listener, an effective communicator and solution-oriented individual. Finally, as a business owner, I have extensive private sector and business experience that will be valuable in dealing with complex budgets, government bureaucracy and regulatory red tape. 

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