Plant City Observer

Hillsborough County Commission District 4: Stacy White (REP)

As the Aug. 26 primary election draws closer, the Plant City Times & Observer will be publishing profiles and Q&As from each of the candidates who will represent Plant City and its constituents.

In this edition, we introduce the candidates for Hillsborough County Commission District 4.

District 4 candidates include Republicans Rick Cochran, Janet Dougherty and Stacy White. 


Age: 41

Family: Married to wife, Barbie, for 18 years; three children

Hometown: Hillsborough County

Education: East Bay High School; doctor of pharmacy, University of Florida

Experience: Four years, Hillsborough County School Board

Favorite author and book: Dave Ramsey, “Financial Peace”

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Teddy Roosevelt


What would be your top priorities if elected?

Road improvements, working on solutions to traffic gridlock, providing outstanding constituent services to the citizens of District 4, and working with our public safety agencies in an effort to fight crime and support a safe community.

What are some of the current challenges in Hillsborough County, and what are your solutions to those problems?

Road conditions and traffic gridlock are at the top of the list. My solution would be to allocate funds towards road improvements — even if that means making the tough decision to cut funding in areas that may not be as much of a priority. The proposal for a penny sales tax increase is definitely not the solution, and I wouldn’’t support that. I am a proponent of dedicated commuter lanes and improved traffic logistics. Expanded bus service might also be a part of the solution. I am not a proponent of commuter rail in Hillsborough County.

What are some of the current challenges facing Greater Plant City, and if elected, how would you address those concerns?

First and foremost, I am a proponent of keeping decision making as local as possible. Plant City is in the fortunate position of being a municipality so that decisions can be made close to home. Therefore, I will always strive to support the City Commission of Plant City in working on local issues.

The current challenges facing the Greater Plant City area are neighborhood safety, road conditions and code-enforcement issues.

I will work closely with the Plant City Police Department and Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office in an effort to fight crime and support a safe neighborhood initiative in Plant City. I will make every effort to provide each of these agencies the resources that they need.

I will make funding and advocating for road projects a top priority, both at the county level and in a cooperative effort with the City of Plant City.

I will seek to learn more about our current code enforcement policies. I will propose policy changes where needed and work to enforce violations where necessary. Again, I will work on this from both the county level and in a cooperative effort with the City of Plant City.

The county has reached out to residents through Imagine 2040 to help determine how growth should take place. How would you like to see the county grow in the next 30 years?

I would like to see dense urban infill near the metropolitan area. I would like to see our agricultural heritage preserved and see the opportunity for rural living to remain in place for those that wish to live in a rural setting. I would like to see future suburban development be more pedestrian friendly with amenities close to the neighborhood.

What makes you the best candidate for the commission?

As a current member of the Hillsborough County School Board, I am the only candidate in this race that has ever been elected to office. The School Board functions very similarly to the County Commission. Both are seven-member elected boards that oversee and set policy for their respective government entities. Both boards oversee an administrator that runs the day-to-day business of the respective government entity. The skills that I have gained in working with fellow board members, working with senior staff, and policy making are invaluable as I seek to become the next District 4 county commissioner.

Other thoughts/comments?

I am a fifth-generation native of east Hillsborough County. I am a professional in this community, and I’m raising three children in this community. I am the only candidate in this race that is from east Hillsborough. I have a strong, vested interest in this community, and I have grown up with an understanding of the issues facing this community. That makes me the best suited to serve in this seat.

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