Plant City Observer

Hillsborough County School Board District 2: Michelle Popp Shimberg

Editor’s Note: As the Aug. 26 primary election draws closer, the Plant City Times & Observer will be publishing profiles and Q&As from each of the candidates who will represent Plant City and its constituents.

In this final edition before the primary, we introduce the candidates for the hotly contested Hillsborough County School Board District 6: incumbent April Griffin and her challengers, Asher Edelson, Alison McGillivray Fernandez, Dr. Stacy Hahn, Paula Meckley, Dipa Shah, Lee Sierra and Randy Toler. We also present School Board District 2 candidate Michelle Popp Shimberg. That race also includes candidates Sally Harris and Michael Weston, but neither returned repeated inquires by phone and email seeking comment.


Age: 52

Family: Married 27 years to Robert; children Taylor, 24, Connor, 22, and Jilan, 20

Hometown: Born in Melbourne, raised in Tampa

Education: Graduate of Chamberlain High School; University of Florida, with a bachelor’s degree in business administration

Experience: Leadership consultant, conducting training for college women; management associate and personnel training manager at NCNB and Nationsbank; PTAs; Citizen Advisory Committee to the School Board

Favorite author and book: “To Kill A Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be? Thomas Jefferson

What’s the biggest challenge the School Board faces, and what are your solutions?

The challenge of helping every student to succeed in reaching his or her highest academic potential — every day — is the most serious problem facing our county’s schools. Until we have all of our students graduating from high school prepared to succeed at the next level, whether that is vocational training, college or career, we must remain focused on this goal.

We must continue to support our underperforming populations and provide additional help for these students. The district should expand partnerships with community groups who can provide assistance through tutoring, mentoring and extended learning support. Special attention in early grades (PreK-3) is essential to make progress before students are significantly below grade level.

Are teachers paid adequately? Why or why not?

Competitive salaries are needed to recruit and retain high-quality teachers. If elected, budget priority will be given to those things that directly affect student learning, which includes teachers and classroom materials and needs.

What is your position on Common Core and the new Florida Standards curriculum?

Florida Standards were established by the state Board of Education. Local school board members are responsible for the approval of curriculum and instruction within Hillsborough County schools. I am in favor of more local control of education decisions. I support high standards for students in order to better prepare them to be successful, and I support the use of an assessment in order to determine each student’s progress toward meeting his or her educational goals.

What skills and experiences make you the best candidate for School Board?

My experiences as an active parent, school adviser and community leader prepare me to serve on the School Board. I have been a classroom tutor, a mentor for at-risk high school teens, a college and career counseling volunteer, and have served as president of five different school-based organizations. I served for 19 years on the School Board Citizen Advisory Committee, including multiple terms as chair, vice-chair and scholarship chair. I have also served on several local and national boards, developing skills needed to be an effective School Board member, like managing multi-million-dollar budgets and evaluating professional executives.

What are some of the issues facing schools in Plant City, and what are your proposed solutions?

Improving student achievement, ensuring student safety and engaging parents and community constituents. Specifically for Plant City, it is important that all students and all schools have the resources they need to succeed.

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