Plant City Observer

Hillsborough County School Board District 6: Asher Edelson

Editor’s Note: As the Aug. 26 primary election draws closer, the Plant City Times & Observer will be publishing profiles and Q&As from each of the candidates who will represent Plant City and its constituents.

In this final edition before the primary, we introduce the candidates for the hotly contested Hillsborough County School Board District 6: incumbent April Griffin and her challengers, Asher Edelson, Alison McGillivray Fernandez, Dr. Stacy Hahn, Paula Meckley, Dipa Shah, Lee Sierra and Randy Toler. We also present School Board District 2 candidate Michelle Popp Shimberg. That race also includes candidates Sally Harris and Michael Weston, but neither returned repeated inquires by phone and email seeking comment.


Age: 20

Family: Father, mother, sister

Hometown: Atlanta

Education: H.B. Plant High School; currently studying political science at Hillsborough Community College

Experience: Volunteer at Community Tampa Bay, Student Advisory Committee board member, Florida House of Representatives messenger

Favorite author and book: J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

If you could meet anyone dead or live, who would it be? Mohandas K. Gandhi


What’s the biggest challenge the School Board faces, and what are your solutions?

The School Board lacks critical perspective. Education is an institution that serves parents, teachers and students. Therefore, all three of those groups should be represented on local boards, so important issues are not overlooked. Student nutrition and parental involvement need a louder voice, and I intend to be that voice. I understand that dialogue and consensus are imperative and plan to work with fellow board members to impact our schools.

Are teachers paid adequately? Why or why not?

Teachers are not paid adequately. As a school board member, I will vote to expand teacher pay if I am able to.

What is your position on Common Core and the new Florida Standards curriculum?

I do not support Common Core. Teachers and schools deserve the right to modify standards in the classroom. I fervently oppose state standardized testing (such as FCAT) and would vote to opt Hillsborough County out of all state tests.

What skills and experiences make you the best candidate for School Board?

I am a people person — I can be a team player and remain dedicated to my goals. I stand for real issues that demand attention such as student nutrition and transparency. There should be at least one student on the school board to provide the student perspective on key issues.

What are some of the issues facing schools in Plant City, and what are your proposed solutions?

In schools across Hillsborough County, parent-teacher conferences begin at 4:30 p.m. and end at 6:30 p.m. A more sensible time for these conferences to be held would be from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. It is crucial that parents maintain a vested interest in their child’s success, and they should be encouraged to participate in their child’s education. I want to pass a countywide policy that would require all schools to hold their quarterly parent-teacher conferences at a later time that appropriately accommodates parent work schedules. Another problem is the processed school food, which should be replaced with locally sourced, organic food. The School Board has to instruct the office of Student Nutrition Services to purchase healthier food, so our students aren’t being fed poison. The School Board has to stand for the kids who cannot afford a brown-bag lunch.

Any other thoughts/comments?

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. My email is

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