Plant City Observer

Hillsborough County Under Heat Advisory

Hillsborough County is under a heat advisory today (Wednesday, July 5) from the National Weather Service until 7 p.m. Residents are encouraged to stay indoors, stay hydrated, and check on vulnerable neighbors and loved ones. 
The heat advisory means that the heat index will be up to 110 degrees in areas of Hillsborough County this afternoon and evening. Without taking precautions, heat-related illness or even death is possible. 
Hillsborough residents without access to adequate air conditioning can find refuge in a variety of public places, including libraries or shopping malls. Residents also can refill water bottles in County parks, libraries, or offices across the county. 
Heat-related illnesses and death are largely preventable with proper planning, education, and action. serves as the premier source of heat and health information for the nation to reduce the health, economic, and infrastructural impacts of extreme heat. 

Residents who work or spend time outside during the hottest part of the day are encouraged to take precautions. When possible, reschedule strenuous activities to the evening or early the next morning. Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke

Heat stroke is an emergency. Residents can call 911 to access immediate care. 

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