Florida director wants to put the spotlight on PC attraction
Many people are used to seeing Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail in real time. However, it may soon be seen on screen for an upcoming horror film.
Director Terry Jarrell is shooting his first film, Harlow’s Haunt, and he’s chosen Plant City’s attraction as its main location.
Although he’s never visited Sir Henry’s, he had done some background research and realized that it was the right spot for the setting of his new movie.
“There’s a few haunts around here, but Sir Henry’s is the gold standard,” Jarrell said. “I really like the area and the location being so central to Orlando and Tampa.”
He reached out to Zach Glaros, owner of Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail to see if the independent film could be shot there.
Jarrell said that he was expecting to be turned down, but surprisingly Glaros welcomed him over and allowed him to use whatever props he needed.
His pursuit to put more spotlight on Florida filmmaking is what led him to Sir Henry’s.
His love for scary movies dates back to when he was small.
“I’ve been a horror fan since I was a little kid,” he said. “It was always my goal to work in film, particularly horror if I could.”
Harlow’s Haunt, his directorial debut, is loosely inspired by the legends of the quiet swamps of West Virginia.
However, the setting of the story takes place in Central Florida.
The story’s main character is Harlow Greer, an unsuccessful businessman who made a failed attempt at establishing his own settlement. The film showcases three different time periods in which Harlow’s past leaves kids living in modern time to experience eerie and unexpected things.
The movie isn’t necessarily gory but a psychological thriller and is character-driven, Jarrell said.
He has worked on several films before but he’s wearing a different hat as director.
He and his co-producer, Kevin Cleveland, have been working on getting the 15 cast members in place and making sure that the artwork is on point.
Most of the shoot will be at the Haunted Trail which will give Jarrell more time to visit the town he’s become impressed with.
“I absolutely plan on future projects being shot there,” he said. “The area has so much of an ambience to it. I just really respond to it.”
While he hasn’t set a specific date to release the film, he said he would like to hold the premiere right at Sir Henry’s in October.
There he can bring out his cast and have a Q & A segment as well.
Jarrell said that he could begin filming on location as early as April.