Joshua D. Holbert made "immediate, furtive movements" toward a revolver inside a compartment in a car, according to the Plant City Police Department.
The Plant City Police Department has released additional information regarding an officer-involved shooting, which occurred Saturday, Nov. 5, at McCall Park in Historic Downtown.
An alleged thief was shot by an officer in a parking lot in the 100 block of North Drane Street.
A 911 call was received from Depot Antiques, at 107 N. Collins St. The caller said a suspect, later identified as Joshua D. Holbert, 37, of Plant City, had been inside of the store, and the caller suspected Holbert may have stolen merchandise.
Officer Gerald Baker made contact with Holbert, as part of his investigation into the theft complaint, at a vehicle located in the Drane Street parking lot. Holbert was at the driver's side compartment. The vehicle was also occupied by Kimberly D. Beaty, 34, of Plant City. Baker saw a revolver inside of the passenger compartment of the vehicle.
Baker was in the beginning stages of his investigation when Holbert entered the vehicle for an unknown reason. Having observed a revolver moments earlier and Holbert's proximity to the weapon, Baker believed there was "an imminent threat of danger to the
safety of the citizens in the area, as well as his personal safety," the PCPD said in a release.
Holbert ignored commands from Baker and "made immediate, furtive movements towards the revolver."
Baker discharged an undisclosed number of rounds from his department-issued firearm at Holbert, who was struck several times.
Holbert was taken to an area hospital for treatment of the gunshot wounds. The extent of the injuries and condition are being withheld at this time.
Beaty was not injured during the incident. She was arrested at the scene for possession of a controlled substance.
Charges on Holbert are pending at this time.
Officer Baker was uninjured during this incident. He is an 11-year veteran officer of PCPD and is currently on routine administrative leave, pending the outcome of an investigation conducted by The Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Hillsborough County State Attorney's Office.