A Guatemalan man who was in the United States illegally faces several charges for his role in a May 27 Plant City road-rage incident.
According to Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office reports, Roberto Francisco Pablo-Sebastian was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and attempted burglary of an occupied conveyance after he attacked a vehicle carrying two Plant City residents.
Border Patrol placed a hold on Pablo-Sebastian for deportation.
According to reports, at about 7:40 p.m. May 25, the victims were traveling south in a red Chevrolet truck on County Line Road, in Plant City. As they approached State Road 60, Pablo-Sebastian, a passenger in a blue Acura traveling next to them, began yelling at the victims.
Pablo-Sebastian grabbed the steering wheel of the Acura and attempted to ram the truck. The victims were able to avoid being struck by the Acura and turned west onto S.R. 60. Pablo-Sebastian again took control of the steering wheel and attempted to ram the truck, forcing it to a stop on the grass shoulder. Pablo-Sebastian then exited the Acura and attempted to open the driver’s door and batter the victim. Pablo-Sebastian was unsuccessful, because the door was locked.
The victim, fearing for his and the passenger’s safety, armed himself with a shotgun that was in the back seat. The victim pointed the shotgun out of the window into Pablo-Sebastian’s face and instructed him to back away from the truck. Pablo-Sebastian refused and grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, yelling, “Shoot me.”
The victim eventually was able to roll the driver’s window up as Pablo-Sebastian continued to attempt to enter the truck.
Pablo-Sebastian then walked back to the Acura when deputies arrived and took him into custody.