Mayor Nate Kilton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. on February 24. Also present at the dais were Vice-Mayor Jason Jones, City Commissioner Bill Dodson, City Commissioner Mary Thomas Mathis, City Commissioner Mike Sparkman, City Attorney Kenneth Buchman, City Clerk Kerri Miller, and City Manager Bill McDaniel.
The assembly stood and Michael Fredette, pastor of Liberty Southern Baptist Church gave the invocation. The assembly then recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
During the time for public comments, Camryn Henry, a candidate for the City Commission Group 2, came forward to advocate for Plant City Fire Rescue—citing the difficulties of working in Fire Rescue. She stated many have left the department to take roles at other departments that provide better compensation, retirement plans, and alternatives for time off. She encouraged the city commission to engage with this topic in a public forum.
“You are in luck tonight,” Kilton said. “Because this is a topic we have been talking about….We live in a community where we value our first responders….tonight budget adjustments are on our agenda, so, I am looking forward to the conversation.”
James Ellis also came forward, saying he had been homeless in Plant City for four years, and addicted to fentanyl, heroin, methamphetamines, and suicidal. “But a year ago, I hit my knees and asked Jesus Christ in my life… I know all the homeless here….I know there is a problem here that is not going away….Is there a way we can work together to solve the problem?” Mayor Kilton told Ellis he would follow up with him this week, and led the assembly in giving Ellis enthusiastic applause.
The commissioners passed the routine consent agenda routine items with a 5-0 vote.
City Manager Bill McDaniel brought the following items on the agenda for discussion and votes by the commissioners.
25-091 – A resolution approving a mid-year budget adjustment. A budget adjustment at this time of the year is quite unusual for the City of Plant City. The main reason for the changge is this gave the new Plant City Police Department (PCPD) chiefs, and newer Fire Rescue chief time to fully evaluate the needs of their departments.
For PCPD the city manager proposed adding one lieutenant position, one training coordinator position, three criminal investigations detectives, two special investigations unit detectives, one DUI officer, two additional patrol officers on day shifts, one systems administrator, and to reclassify one corporal position to a sergeant position. The annual cost comes in at just over $2 million for the new positions—including 10 additional vehicles and necessary equipment.
For Plant City Fire Rescue, the city manager proposed six new firefighter paramedics, and three new firefighter emergency medical technicians. The annual cost is $857,000 including equipment. Unlike the PCPD proposal, there is no cost for additional Fire Rescue vehicles because they are already in place. The goal of the new hires would be to fully staff Fire Station 3.
The money to cover the costs for this year are available, and the costs of the positions are fiscally sustainable. After discussion, the City Commissioners passed this resolution 5-0.
25-092 – A resolution authorizing the city manager to purchase vehicles and equipment. This passed 5-0.
25-093 – A resolution authorizing the city manager to enter into a FloridaJobs Growth grant agreement with the Florida Department of Commerce, and enter into an agreement with Lakeside Station, LLC for a letter of credit or other adequate security. This passed 5-0.
The city clerk brought the following item for a vote:
24-600 – Consideration of a resolution reappointing Samuel Greenberg to the Hillsborough County Board of Adjustment and Appeals Building Board. No one else applied for the position, and this passed 5-0.
The city commissioners passed the following hearings and resolutions with 5-0 votes.
25-090 – A legislative public hearing on an ordinance repealing Plant City Ordinance No. 50-2005 to dissolve the Eagle’s Crest Community Development District.
25-070 – A transmittal public hearing for text amendment PC/CPA 24-08 amending land-use map 4 of the future land-use map series regarding the preferred land-use scenario map of the Northeast Master Plan located in the northeast quadrant of Plant City.
25-069 – A quasi-judicial public hearing on an ordinance to rezone 28.78 acres to the Lake Walden Square Planned Development (PD) District. This land is located on the north and south sides of West Alexander Street, west of James L Redman Parkway (PB-2024-34). The plan is to construct a two-story storage facility business on this location.
25-072 – A resolution setting a public hearing on an ordinance to annex 12 parcels totaling 35 acres – ANX-2024-07 and ANX-2024-14.
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.