Plant City Observer

LETTER: Improvement League appreciative of award

Dear Editor:

The Improvement League of Plant City Inc., is honored to be the recipient of the Special Business Award,  sponsored by KDM Associates, at the Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce’s Business of the Year Banquet.

Back in 1996, the Improvement League challenged the interpretation of the guidelines set on the use of community-development dollars for areas of blight and poverty. This resulted in the City of Plant City investing those millions of dollars into the following:

• Boys & Girls Club site construction and paid staff;

• Community Development Corporation and affordable housing;

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• Construction of the Boys & Girls Club multi-purpose building at the MLK Sports Complex (League raised matching funds);

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• Investment and implementation (construction) of improvements to Laura Street and Lincoln Park, such as Sam Cooper Park, Laura two street alignment, drainage, connection to historic downtown and, of course, the Bing Rooming House Museum; and

• Support of reversal of rezoning to allow and promote minority businesses in and along Laura Street by the City of Plant City.

The Improvement League also hosts the Annual Plant City MLK Festival that has been held for 28 years and promotes cultural diversity, inclusion and generates an economic boost the to the local economy through four days of activities, including a carnival and midway, a parade highlighting the six historic sites in Plant City and surrounding area to visitors, and community-service projects.

The Improvement League continues to work with the City of Plant City and Greater Plant City Chamber of Commerce to support long-term economic growth and sustainability.

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 William Thomas Jr.,

volunteer and vice president,

Improvement League of Plant City Inc.

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