A resident shares their thoughts about the Live Local Act.
The LIVE LOCAL ACT is neither – it is “dead” legislation from Tallahassee. It will no more provide “affordable housing”, than Jeb Bush’s “affordable home insurance act of 2002 is providing anyone “affordable home insurance”. If Governor Desantis, State Senator Burgess, and State Reprenstative do not amend this law – they will be trampling your stated and implied private property rights, stealing your sweat equity, as they enrich the developers and their political lobbyists.
With regard to the Walden Lake fiasco, it is sad. The Plant City Mayor and Commissioners and the Walden Lake Community Association should be ashamed. The once bucolic Walden Lake has been living with an existential threat for more than 10 years – as one developer after another attempt to extort the sweat equity from individual homeowners who bought into a Planned Unit Development (P.U.D.) built around green space. Both the City and the WLCA could have ended this year’s ago – they could end it today. The City and the WLCA have failed to lead and have failed to act – and we should not allow them to hide behind the LIVE LOCAL ACT if this all goes south.
It is a political travesty, and the LIVE LOCAL ACT is just salt in our wounds.
Don Marshall
Walden Lake Resident (30 years)