Gilbert Gott encourages city commissioners to select a forward-thinking candidate.
As the City of Plant City approaches the end of its lengthy and carefully implemented search for a City Manager to replace one of the best, who unfortunately left due to conditions with which we are all too familiar, let us reflect on some of the major aspects of the previous searches.
An essential criterion was experience, operational knowledge, and qualifications for the specific job under consideration.
Another criterion was that the candidate should have no loyalty or ties to individuals, groups, or organizations that could conflict with the need for absolute objectivity.
And another was that the candidate should have no baggage from the past that would cloud his or her relationship with the community and its residents.
We must be careful with the selection of our next City Manager. Plant City is evolving and the last thing we need is to do anything that could cause us to slide backwards. Think and plan for our future. Thank you.
Gilbert V. Gott