It won't be long before Willis Peters Exceptional Center students no longer have to worry about the Florida sun causing problems.
The Plant City Lions Club and Unity in the Community joined forces to help the school finish its fundraising goal of $100,000 to build shade covers for its playground and courtyard areas. After donating $25,000 in January 2016, the Lions invited representatives from the school and Unity in the Community to their June 6 meeting at Buddy Freddy's to make it official.
Initially, the clubs presented the school with a pair of $10,000 checks — Unity had pledged to match the latest Lions Club donation — but Lions Club president Frank Cummings soon revealed the "worst-kept secret" in the room. Cummings announced that the club's request for a $50,000 grant from Lions International was approved, giving the school $70,000 that day.
The rest of the money had been raised through the school's Florida Strawberry Festival parking area, with help from Wells Memorial and Event Center.